After the global pandemic scare has ebbed somehow, almost everyone we know has become health-conscious or health buffs.
Caught off-guard, not one was exempt from feeling either isolated, left out, feeling depressed, or despondent up to now, especially since it hasn’t been that long since lockdowns and quarantines were lifted.
They say it’s business as usual’. But is it? How does one cope? Or get over the trauma. Is it really easy to bounce back from a tragedy or loss of livelihood?
The issue of mental health, and physical and emotional well-being leaps at us. But there is hope if we consider the options that are well within our reach.
Do you own an electric scooter? Before the pandemic, didn’t you simply enjoy those ‘alone moments’ when you cruised around the city? You know, just to let off steam, to think things over… or to merely shake off the stuffiness.
The chance to breathe in the fresh air in the vast outdoors, with the cool breeze caressing your skin as you take pleasure in the greenery. Add to that the sense of freedom. Yes, precious freedom.
Clearly, these are just a few of the things electric scooter riders consider great trade-offs. And, of course, traipsing in and about, avoiding the standstill traffic stack-up in the congested city’s thoroughfares.
Mobility electric scooters offer many benefits that commuters don’t realize just yet. Those who have opted to get an electric scooter for their personal use are drawn to it, not just for their affordability, eco-friendliness, and portability, but for practical reasons too. It may not be known by many, but riding an electric scooter can help improve one’s health, physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Wasn’t it said, “let us count the ways…” Well, here’s a list of what they are:
Table of Contents
1. Riding an electric scooter helps improve your balance
Mearth electric scooters have powerful motors. Riding an electric scooter engages your body in many ways. How? Stability is called for, so when you make those turns around the corners, go up and down the hills, and later slow down during stops, you need to develop and gain your balance. Aside from strength and endurance, balance is a part of physical fitness that should not be taken lightly. If you have balance, your core strength improves. You learn NOT to fall, so the chances of getting injured are lessened. What’s more, as you get better at riding, you’ll naturally build up your core muscle strength. You may not notice it at first, but even without doing sit-ups, you are doing your exercise – by just tightening and relaxing your muscles when you accelerate, decelerate, brake or turn.
2. Riding an electric scooter helps you burn calories
Sure, riding a lightweight electric scooter doesn’t yield a high-intensity workout, but it can still burn significant amounts of calories since you have to stand for the entire length of your ride. Remaining standing throughout the ride helps you burn more calories – a whole lot more than if you were just sitting in a car or bus. What’s also good is that you use your muscles – from the legs up to the arms to be able to stay upright.
So how many calories can you burn by riding an electric scooter? Here’s a comparison of the estimated number of calories burned doing similar activities — for 30 minutes:
Weight lifting – 110 calories
Walking – 150 calories
Cycling – 280 calories
Elliptical training – 370 calories
Running – 420 calories
3. Electric scooter riding helps promote better posture
Have you seen how many people spend their day hunched over in a chair peering at a computer screen, or sitting slouched while reading the newspaper? Regardless of age, having bad posture can cause several health issues like:
Back pain
Tension headaches
Low energy levels
Tight neck and shoulder muscles
Reduced lung capacity
Poor circulation
Indigestion or constipation
Not so surprisingly, riding a high-quality electric scooter pushes you to observe good posture more often. Riding around in an upright position, you will eventually notice that you stand straighter afterward, during the rest of your day.
4. Electric scooter riding can help tone your legs
After riding a few times, you may also notice a little soreness in your legs due to all of this activity, which goes to show how much your body is straining and exerting energy while you ride. Since your legs support your weight the entire time you ride, you are able to stabilize yourself as you turn, speed up, slow down, and brake.
5. Electric riding can help lift your mood
Who’s telling you not to have a bit of fun while riding? Amid responsibilities, you can still have an exhilarating day, zooming in and out on a nearby nature trail, taking a deep breath as you appreciate the present moment, no matter how brief it is. As you slow down to make a glance at a garden patch of lovely petunias and daisies, a sense of peace sneaks in and it makes you feel good, too.
E-scooter riding can also help you steer clear of common commuting stressors, you know, like rush-hour traffic jams, delayed and overcrowded public transport, and scarce parking slots, if you used to take a car.
If you have been living out stressful days confined indoors, riding an electric scooter may be a bright idea that can inspire you to venture out into the sunshine and soak in a little extra vitamin D, which is known to have mood-boosting effects.
Spending time riding your compact electric scooter and getting close to nature can be therapeutic in a way. It helps calm frayed nerves and eases down anxieties.
Another advantage of owning an electric is that you can go outside for relaxing nature rides anytime you want, any time of the day. Nearby nature paths and riding trails are your playgrounds. Plus, it’s also a good time to reconnect with friends and neighbors in the community whom you haven’t seen for quite a while.
So far, we’ve covered the physical, mental, and emotional health benefits you essentially experience when you frequently ride an electric scooter. Happily surprised – and pleased? Who wouldn’t? Your mental health and physical well-being are addressed naturally, minus the prescription pills and expensive treatments.
So, what’s stopping you from getting the best of both worlds? Nothing! Mearth high-performing, top-tier electric scooters can readily meet your personal preference for a rideable that satisfies your needs.
Cheers to your good health! Expect –
Fun now multiplied. Frequent cool rides. Joyful discoveries into nature escape, anew.