When comparing DHI and FUE[TS2] hair transplants, one of the biggest advantages of DHI over classic FUE is that there is no need to perforate (i.e. make incisions to create channels for hair transplants in which grafts are placed) the skin in the recipient area. This minimises trauma and bleeding, while providing a shorter recovery period after DHI hair transplantation (approximately 10 days, when scabs [TS3] fall off) and wound healing.Website skhair.co.uk offers the most innovative procedures.
In classic FUE, the resulting grafts must be sorted and stored in a special solution while the hair transplant surgeon creates channels (called hair transplant holes) by making small incisions. However, it is known that the length of time hair tissues remain outside the body can negatively affect the survival of hair follicles.
To solve this problem, the grafts in Choy’s DHI are immediately loaded into a medical pen after being taken from the donor area. At this point, it should be noted that using Choi provides greater precision and accuracy for the hair transplant surgeon.
The tip of the injector with the graft then penetrates the skin to implant the hair follicles directly under the skin without damaging the surrounding tissue. Reducing the time the hair follicles spend outside the scalp increases the survival rate of the grafts and helps patients achieve successful DHI hair transplants.
Most adult women and men of all ages can undergo a DHI hair transplant procedure . Depending on the density of your hair [TS5] and the number of grafts needed [TS6], you may find out if you are a good candidate for DHI hair loss treatment at the clinic
It is important to note that DHI hair transplants can be performed without completely shaving the head.
The need to shave hair is often a deterrent for people with long hair. In the DHI method, female hair transplantation/long hair transplantation is performed by shaving only a small portion that can be covered by the rest of the patient’s hair.
Table of Contents
Stages of DHI hair transplantation
The steps of a DHI hair transplant procedure can be summarised in two main points. These are follicle extraction (i.e. extracting hair follicles from the donor area) and follicle transplantation (i.e. implanting the resulting hair follicles into the scalp or other areas such as eyebrows, beard or eyelashes).
Steps of direct hair implantation
Similar to FUE hair transplants, direct hair implantation (DHI) procedures are performed under local anaesthesia by an anaesthetist to ensure our patients a quick and painless engraftment of the graft.
Hair follicle extraction
The donor area (back of the head, chin or chest) of the patient is shaved and the recipient area does not need to be shaved.
The hair from the donor area is systematically extracted as densely as possible using a 0.7 mm, 0.8 mm or 1.00 mm micro-needle or a hand piercing instrument (please note that the tip sizes of these two instruments vary depending on the thickness of the hair follicles).
Hair implantation
As DHI hair implantation does not require the storage of grafts or the creation of a recipient site by making incisions, the resulting grafts are implanted immediately and without delay.