Writing is a massive part of our lives. We need to write a review of the Bluetooth speakers bought from Amazon. We need to write every day.
The moment we think of writing words correctly, we think of tools. We have spell checkers on our mobile phones, computers, etc. We are learning to write the right spelling words sets foundation for children. It is a fundamental thing that children should be taught. Learning to spell is very significant for writing, reading, and other necessary communication skills. It helps in progressing through competition and getting good results. Also, the gift can impact student career as well.
There are many Spell Quiz competitions organized in many countries. Winners are given hefty and exciting prizes. It all states how important it is to learn spellings.Also, while updating statuses on Facebook and other social media networks, you can’t afford to write wrongly spelled words.
As English is the universal language, students must work harder to polish their English communication skills. We understand that there are many weirdly-spelled words in English. To learn them effectively, you need to practice a lot. Take a look at the best tips and tricks below and improve spellings.
Table of Contents
1. Learning Common Misspelled Words
We all have come across some words that we use to misspell on every use. Even native speakers find them challenging to mention correctly. Spelling for grade 1 in some countries can be cumbersome for students in other countries. There are YouTube videos, spelling teaching platforms available on the internet. They are making it easy to learn the skill. Some of the tough-to-spell words are àBeginning, foreign, friend, forty, except, accept, expect, basically, across, interrupt, weird, until.
If you teach these words to a child under ten years of age, then start with teaching 2-4 words at one time. Ask them to practice daily. Please start with the ones they like the most.
2. Enlisting Tough-To-Spell Words
If you know how to spell difficult words, then try this step. The main trick here is to make a list of your own. People sometimes try starting from a list created by others which can be a little time-consuming. So, it is better if you write down the words that trouble you personally. To do it correctly, find out what group of words trouble you the most. Do you avoid using words like a vacuum, per, pre, entrepreneur, start-up, and more?The next step is to memorize them.
3. Using Mnemonics
In the age of computers and smartphones, the power of remembering words and other information has faded. A trick used by many experts to retain information is making it more meaningful. Mnemonic devices are helpful. They turnthat information into a sentence, a picture, a rhyme, etc. Some of them make a sentence using aproblematic word. Take the island as an example. For example, An island is a land that is surrounded by water. Another trick used here under this section is the use of the acronym. Say, BRB- Be Right Back. On the contrary, turn each letter into a word. For example, remember rhythm by thinking of it as “Rhythm Helps YourTwo Hips Move.”
4. Learning Through Visuals and Mobile Apps
Rules can give a direction to our lives. While learning spellings, you can incorporate learning a few rules. If you are teaching your children, learn new words using rules. Many platforms have been easing the learning process. It might be cumbersome to learn from a book and making notes.
Visuals and mobile applications help to make learning more enjoyable. During the COVID-19 era, we are refraining from moving out. Education and learning have reached our laptops. In response to that, tech geeks are coming up with engaging digital tools that support remote learning effectively.
5. Spell Quiz- Online Practice Platform
One of such creative and engaging platforms is Spell Quiz. It is a home-schooling resource present online that would help you elevate your children’s language competency. You can take your first grader children to this online platform and see how happy he would learn. Practice in a fun way and remember words for long with Spell Quiz.A fantastic feature of Spell Quiz is that you can create your spelling list.
Specially designed to help K-12 students in honing their English language skills, it makes dictation words for class 1, learning vocabulary, take online spelling tests.Moreover, the platform has advanced spelling lessons, spelling quizzes, and word games. Hence, helping you and your children to sharpen their language abilities.
What else is offered in Spell Quiz?
Adaptive spelling, idioms can be learned in a fun way. With this amazing online learning tool, you can teach your brain to learn and memorize faster. With practice, you can also optimize learning.
So, what are you waiting for? Start working on learning spellings now.