Are you wondering who to ask for help with your college essay?
If so then you have come to the right page.
College essays are undeniably a tough task for most students, especially non-native English speakers.
Well, of course, even the natives struggle with some writing tasks.
So, if you’re assigned a college essay, whom should you ask for help?
This is a question most students are asking themselves because even though a student is required to do the work by themselves.
Your college essays are meant to demonstrate your skills, knowledge, and perspective. However, some writing tasks are just hard.
Don’t worry!
The good news is that you have as many people in your life to whom you can seek help.
Of course, the first thing that comes to students’ minds when it comes to seeking help with their writing tasks is to hire an essay helper.
Well, this is a handy option but you still have other options as well.
After all, there are no strict rules on who you can seek help from as long as you’re sure you’re doing the right thing.
Who should you seek help with your college essay?
Read on for a list of different people who might help you out with your college essays.
Table of Contents
Parents and Close Relatives
Your parents and close relatives are the first people you can seek help from with your college essays.
They are the people who know you more and your abilities and can help you with other tasks like proofreading, editing, etc.
It’s okay for parents to review your essays but they shouldn’t take over your essay.
If you have older siblings who have been to college within the past few years, they might help you out with your college essay.
This is especially possible if they are good writers or editors.
You can let them have a look at your essay and make some comments on it so you can make changes accordingly.
Friends and Classmates
If you have friends who recently completed college or are ahead of you, they can be a great resource to seek help from for your college essay.
You can let your friends read your essay and make suggestions or check your essays for grammar and other mistakes.
Your classmates as well are a valuable resource for seeking help from.
In fact, you’d be surprised by the amount of support you can get from classmates.
You can exchange your essays so that you read over their essays and you read theirs’.
Teachers or Tutors
Your English teachers or tutors are a great choice.
Your teachers understand your writing style and strengths. They can review your essay and make comments about spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, sentence structure, etc.
Remember that teachers or tutors get a lot of essay help requests from students and sometimes they are busy with other things.
For that reason, don’t take it personally if the teacher you ask is busy by the time you seek help from them.
You can also seek help from other teachers that you have a good relationship with as they might be getting fewer requests from other students.
As long as the teacher has experience with college essays, you can seek help from them.
Remember that if you seek help from other teachers without expertise in the subject, you should be careful with the suggestions they make lest you do the wrong thing.
Other College Alumni
College graduates who took the same course as yours are also a great resource you can seek help from with your essay.
These are individuals who know how to write excellent college essays after having done that for many years.
You can reach out and ask if they can review your essay and offer some advice.
You can also use the various professional networks you have to find people who can help you with your college essay.
Your College Counselor
The good thing about college counselors is that they know what makes a good essay and can provide you with handy advice on how to edit or craft essays that score higher grades.
In case you have a college counselor you have a good relationship with or you know a friend who is familiar with some college counselor, you can reach out to them and see whether they can help you with your essay.
A college counselor can review your essay and offer professional advice where necessary.
Professional Essay Writers
For many years, there have been heated discussions as to whether students should seek help with their essays from professional essay writers or not.
Nevertheless, this is still one of the precious opportunities students have.
Well, of course, there are those students who’d seek help with everything from writing, to editing, and so forth.
On the other hand, some students will only seek help with editing and proofreading their essays.
See, professional essay writers can help you with any type of essay writing you need, however, you also need to learn how to do it yourself.
Now that you’ve discovered where and who to seek help from, let’s learn a few things you should put in mind in your college essay.
College Essay Dos and Don’ts
Remember that even after seeking help from all the people mentioned above, you’ll still need to know what should or shouldn’t be included in your college essay- because you’ll need to follow some rules.
Se here are some dos and don’ts to observe:
Don’t plagiarize your college essay
Perhaps we don’t need to remind you about how plagiarism can cost your college education.
Your college essay should demonstrate your unique abilities and strength. For that reason, you shouldn’t use someone else’s words verbatim.
Be honest
Be honest when talking about your experiences and qualifications. Avoid making things up or use exaggerations because they will cost you. You are YOU and you cannot pretend to be someone that you aren’t.
Don’t exceed the required length
Pay attention to the length limit and keep your essay within the required word count, unless you’re allowed to go over or beyond that.
Do respond to the essay prompt
This is where you need to read the essay prompt and ensure you understand what you’re required to do, then respond to only that.
Don’t try to beat around the bush. Respond to the essay prompt and nothing else.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, you have a ton of people around you that can help you with your college essays.
You can ask as many people as you want to get different perspectives on your essay.
Remember that no matter who you ask, you should accept their suggestions blindly. This applies when you seek help from other teachers outside your field of study or parents and close relatives.
Also, ensure you preserve your unique voice and your essays should reflect your writing style and strengths.
Don’t forget to thank those you seek help from for taking their time to read your essay and provide valuable feedback.
Good luck!