Twenties with erectile dysfunction? These factors may be to blame
One hundred percent quality erection at a young age is not a matter of course. Although erectile dysfunction usually affects men over the age of forty, they do not avoid the twenties and thirties. How is this possible, and what can be done about it?
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Where do erectile dysfunctions come from in the lives of people in their twenties?
Lack of psych hygiene
Many young men do not know the limits when it comes to working life. However, a workaholic lifestyle disproportionately increases cortisol – a stress hormone that inhibits the production of male hormone and thus endangers erections. A man who is always stressed and tired from work has less appetite for love and is more prone to erectile dysfunction.
Health problems you may not have known about
Male physical health is affected by many health – do not take it lightly and see a doctor (general practitioner and urologist). Erectile dysfunction can be caused by urological or venereal diseases and cardiovascular problems, or diabetes.
Incorrect “chemistry.”
Erection can be affected by some groups of drugs (such as antidepressants) and the use of anabolic steroids, which are used primarily for rapid muscle growth. Many men who use them complain of impaired libido, decreased potency, and erectile dysfunction.
Partner issues
The reason for erectile dysfunction may be disagreements with your partner and the reluctance to have love that results from it. In this case, it is best to solve the problem with an honest and open conversation and work with your partner to find ways to improve your relationship. Along with understanding will come an improvement in your love life? If you feel that you have reached a dead-end, seek the help of a specialist: a psychologist, psychotherapist.
Where to look for practical help?
Try changing your lifestyle first. Reorient yourself to a healthy diet and give your body enough exercise to keep your cardiovascular system in shape. Stop smoking cigarettes and consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. Get rid of excess stress that complicates your life. Spend enough time on relaxation and psychohygiene. If all else fails, seek medical help or a psychologist.
TIP: Natural remedy containing Earth Anchor will also help you alleviate erection problems. This herb supports the production of hormone in a man’s body and thus his physical performance and overall vitality. Try, for example, the freely available Fildena 100 purple pills or Fildena 150 erection pills, or you can use Peruvian Maca and L-arginine in addition to the Anchor from the Ground Anchor.
Which man is a good lover?
A simple question, but a more complicated answer. We found out for you how you or your partner can become a good lover, especially when it comes to what a man should and should not do. A good lover is a man who can.
Use language
If licking women’s intimate parties is not one of your favorite activities, you will have a big problem with the fairer love. Women love personal “fun” with the male language. How a man is to lick is determined by each of them. Ask questions and try everything. Otherwise, you will not know what everyone wants yours.
He doesn’t just think about himself.
It is essential to think about your partner, especially when it comes to orgasm. If you manage to do it yourself and take care of your partner, everything is fine. A good lover never thinks only of his climax but also his partner.
Last as long as possible
Indeed, no woman will appreciate doing it after a few seconds (maybe for the first and last time). If you often have a problem with premature ejaculation, you need to start solving it as soon as possible. If you don’t, you won’t even be able to think of standing in bed with a woman.
Solve intimate problems
Never despair if you have erection problems. Even if some issues arise, a good lover will always rely on a useful helper in bed to solve all the intimate issues, including erectile dysfunction—everything quickly and without a doctor’s visit.
A good lover knows who he can always rely on Fildena 120, vigora 100 are the best-selling product for a high-quality and robust erection that will never disappoint when masculine pride fails. It’s time to think about how lover you or your partner are. Know that there is always room for improvement, and this also applies to love itself.
With low endurance in bed, these exercises will also help you.
If you have been suffering from low physical stamina in bed for a long time, you should know that you can quickly help yourself. Try exercise – but not the kind you know from strength training. You will involve your organ and your mind in these sports activities for a change.
Study the literature
There are many ways to exercise for men who have a problem with premature ejaculation. You will find several professional articles on the Internet and lay instructions on how to deal with low endurance in bed. We recommend these specific exercises.
Slowed breath
Many men “run their marathon” even before they can get started thanks to one mistake they make – they breathe too fast. Try to notice your breath during love (although it may seem like a daunting task) and consciously work with it. Suppose you are bothered by premature ejaculation, for example. In that case, the 10-1-10 technique will help, during which you will slowly inhale into the diaphragm for 10 seconds, hold your breath for 1 second, and then exhale for 10 seconds. Practice this technique during breaks in lovemaking.
Kegel exercises
Thanks to this simple exercise, you will learn to control your organ and your climax better. The exercise is simple: you stretch and relax the muscles that regulate the flow of urine during the need’s execution (so-called PC muscles). You can also find more information in the article Kegel exercises for women and men. Kegel exercises should be performed regularly if possible. You will see the results in a few weeks.
Intimate massage
Even gentle massage is a kind of exercise – thanks to practices such as bodywork or tantra, you will learn to perceive your body and its needs better and more sensitively. You must be relaxed and enjoy the extended love and the whole love act. In this case, the journey is the destination, and you do not necessarily have to strive for an orgasm.
Exploring new techniques with your partner together has another pleasant side effect – strengthening your relationship. TIP: Poor endurance during love is not only the result of stress and exhaustion but can also be caused by low levels of male hormone, which you can increase with diet. Try home remedy or use Fildena 100 with sildenafil content that stimulates libido, vitality, and physical stamina.