We look forward to the Outdoors every year, and we can’t wait to get away from our job and have fun. But you might be asking, where can I get good-quality gear for a good deal? Some of you might even be new to the entire outdoors thing, but let me tell you where you can find the perfect gear to suit your ideal trip at a great price.
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Amazon has everything you need ranging from high-quality to lower-quality gear. They have it all. You can find great deals and they have an excellent return policy. And with Amazon Prime, you can get it delivered straight to your doorstep for free without leaving your house to pick it up.
As of October 2021, Amazon is the leading online retailer in the country! Amazon accounted for 41% of the U.S. e-commerce market, with Walmart being the second biggest but only sharing 6.6% of the market. Amazon is a great option for most people looking for a bargain.
Pawn Shops are probably the most underrated places to shop. You can find just about anything at a pawn shop, jewelry, guns and ammo, tools, outdoor gear, electronics, you name it! They get all of their items from somebody needing some quick cash on a loan or just selling their items. They have outstanding deals on everything in their store, even their outdoor gear!
Most pawn shops will negotiate the price with you too! They have everything you need to go outdoors. They have tents, stoves, backpacks, and anything else you can think of. Check out your local pawn shop today.
Walmart is known for its outdoor gear, but it’s also a great place to find some heavily discounted gear. Walmart doesn’t carry any high-end branded gear like The North Face or Patagonia. Instead, they sell cheap and affordable brand-named items for everyone like Coleman or Ozark Trail. That way, everyone can enjoy the outdoors and do what they love at a comfortable price.
Nowadays, some of the gear at Walmart is better and definitely cheaper than the so-called high-end brands. Check reviews to ensure what you purchase there will be good quality.
Facebook Marketplace
Facebook is a great place to find outdoor gear; and at a great price. You can join local groups specific to selling outdoor gear or type it up in the search bar. Although you can find great deals on what you need using Facebook, they don’t have any guarantees on the product’s quality and sell everything as-is. So be cautious about what you buy and who you are buying from.
Thrift Stores
Thrift stores are a place where people donate their unneeded stuff. The thrift store will turn around and sell it, which means you can find good-quality gear for super cheap! You can also find low-quality stuff; you’ve got to get there before everybody else does because people will go there and get the good things before you even have a chance. So if you want to test your luck and you have some time on your hands, try going to a thrift store to find your outdoor gear.
There are a lot of places where you can find the outdoor gear that you need, and that can be whether you want to buy it new or used, online or in-store. Whatever you prefer because all of these places listed above will have the gear you are looking for. So next time you are in a hurry to find a tent, lamp, or whatever it is, check one of these places. They have everything you need and more!