As the name suggests, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neuro-developmental disorder in which kids, teens, and adults go through hyperactivity in everything they do in daily life. Although some kids are by nature quite active and full of life, ADHD kids have some specific behavioral tendencies and symptoms that can be concluded as a disorder rather than a natural inclination towards hyperactivity and restlessness. In teens, however, the case becomes quite difficult as their hormonal changes may be mistaken as ADHD. In fact, in many cases, the impulsive and rebellious teens’ behavior might be having ADHD symptoms but the parents confuse it with normal adolescence changes. Thus, one must always know when and how to properly get the ADHD test for teens.
Normally, it is always alarming when your teen’s behavior suddenly or rapidly changes into aggressive, rebellious, irritable for no apparent reason or highly impulsive, risky, and careless one. In such cases, the teen may find it difficult to engage in prolonged tasks, in quiet places, multitasking or finishing any task, thinking straight, responding patiently or sensibly, or processing emotions in a balanced way. These are the major signs and symptoms that your teen is in dire need of a diagnosis and behavioral therapy, if needed, to calm their nerves and balance the abnormal neuro-developmental issues.
Here are some prominent symptoms of ADHD that are normally observed through ADHD test for teens:
- Lack of focus
Teens with ADHD are more prone to focusing on many things at a time but not completing a single task in a proper way. They are constantly looking for new interests thus they never complete the ongoing tasks.
- Disorganization
The ADHD-diagnosed teens are disorganized and messy, physically, mentally, and emotionally. However, this happens to them unintentionally as the chemical imbalance in the neurological system compels them to behave this way, unknowingly.
- Self-centered behavior
It is better to diagnose ADHD in teens as soon as possible as this leads to dangerously self-centered and selfish behaviors. If untreated, these can carry on till adulthood and can turn into serious social and personal issues for the individual.
- Heightened emotionality
The ADHD test for teens also reveals that the hormonal and chemical imbalance in the brain is the root cause of such hyperactive and impulsive behavior. Thus, experts should be consulted for emotional balance and therapies that can calm the teenager’s mind and body.
- Fidgeting and impulsivity
The ADHD teen keeps fidgeting and remains restless. They find it hard to stay still for more than a few minutes in a certain place or situation. Their minds are constantly ricocheting between many things.
- Fear of rejection
The impulsive and restless behavior makes the ADHD teen’s mind unable to analyze the dangers of positive prospects. Thus, they remain fearful of unknown situations and insignificantly panic in incomprehensible situations.
- Aggressiveness
Due to the hormonal and chemical imbalances, the adrenaline secretions are at their peak in an ADHD teen. Thus, they remain aggressive and highly volatile in case a slight mishap occurs.
- Procrastination and irresponsibility
ADHD teens are always careless and irresponsible of their belongings and situations, and they tend to delay important tasks due to their lack of focus or interest in one thing for a long.
- Trouble in maintaining balanced social relations
An ADHD teen will be having a difficult time maintaining social relations and peer group associations. Their aggressive and careless behavior may keep others away from them.
- Being restless in quietness
Calm and quiet environments trigger restlessness in an ADHD teen. They want hyperactivity, noise, hustle and bustle, and an engaging atmosphere, all the time.
- Personal hygiene issues
A teen with ADHD will find it unnecessary to keep themselves clean and tidy all the time. Their irresponsible behavior makes them ignore such important things in life. Their personal spaces like rooms can be messy and scattered.
- Not being able to follow directions, rules, instructions
When following directions on road or anywhere else, the ADHD teen might find it hard to understand and follow them. They can also not follow rules and instructions that restrict their behaviors.
The ADHD test for teens may lead to proper diagnosis and treatments that are reliable for enhancing the quality of life of the teenager. If not treated in time, this disorder can lead to troubled and dangerous adulthood, on personal, social, and professional levels, such as risky sexual behaviors, smoking, and drug abuse, criminal tendencies, social ostracism, depression, and suicidal inclinations, etc. Thus, proper and timely treatments are the only solution.