Hair transplantation is a cosmetic surgery technique in which hair follicles are removed from a part of your body called the ‘donor’ site, usually on the head, face, chest or back, and is then transplanted to a bald or thinning spot elsewhere on the recipient’s body. This technique is most commonly used to restore bald patches in men. The procedure can be performed in either a single operation or multiple surgeries, depending on the patient’s condition, quality of the hair and other factors.
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How Hair Transplants Performed?
Hair transplants can be performed locally, using an incision under the scalp or on the face, or by using grafts surgically inserted into the scalp. Local surgery is normally less costly and does not require a long recovery time, but it can leave the patient more prone to scarring. However, in both cases the results are permanent, and in some cases, hair growth may continue after surgery.
Are Hair Transplant Operations Safe?
Hair transplants are generally safe, although they carry some risks, as do all surgical procedures. A patient should avoid strenuous exercise for at least three days prior to the operation, as well as any medications that contain cortisone, vitamin E or aspirin. Any surgery, especially on the head, comes with a heightened risk of infection, and patients who use antibiotics or have a compromised immune system are advised to take particular care. In addition, some patients may experience side effects, including uneven pigmentation, skin irritation, allergic reactions and, rarely, a recurrence of hair loss in the same area.
Hair transplant is more successful when performed on young people, as they are less likely to experience balding in their adult years as a result. In addition, younger people are likely to respond better to surgery. It is important to understand, however, that hair transplants are not necessarily the answer for everyone. They tend to be recommended for patients experiencing hair loss conditions such as male pattern baldness, alopecia Universalis or alopecia areata. There are other ways to address thinning hair that can be considered if your condition is more severe, or you are unable or unwilling to contemplate hair transplant surgery, such as micro-dermabrasion. or chemical peels.
Which Hair Clinic Should I Choose In Istanbul?
There are many hair transplants clinics but not all of them provide high-quality services.
Hair transplant clinics in Istanbul can vary, so it is important to do your homework and choose someone who is reputable, qualified and within your budget.
Hair transplant surgery is relatively safe and can be highly effective for those who undergo it. If you decide to go ahead, it’s important that you do your research and find an experienced and reputable doctor, preferably someone with years of experience. This doctor will help you plan your surgery and your recovery, including the risks and possible complications.