Some people find the topic of drug addiction to be controversial. Such people do not understand why someone could be addicted to drugs, and in most cases, they associate addiction with a lack of moral principles or willpower.
Controversial as it may seem, drug addiction can never be ignored. The addiction problem in the U.S. is no longer all about cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamines. The rise of misuse of prescription drugs is causing the increasing rates of addiction, especially among teens.
Unfortunately, concerns about drug addiction in the U.S. have declined. People no longer find it a significant community problem, even with drug overdose-related deaths surging. It is not clear why the public concern about drug abuse has gone down. Even so, there are several aspects that could be triggering the surging addiction numbers nationally.
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Genetics is a blueprint of health and diseases. Family studies that cover identical and fraternal twins, siblings, and adoptees, suggest that while half of the population risks addiction to alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs, in most cases, addiction depends on a person’s genetic makeup.
Genetics can influence many aspects of drug use. It can affect how you find drugs pleasurable, how much they harm your health, how solid cravings and withdrawal symptoms are, and how easily you can develop tolerance.
Many studies indicate that sons of alcoholic fathers respond differently to alcohol compared to sons of non-alcoholic fathers. If your father is an alcoholic, you may seem to like it more and drink more significant amounts, thanks to greater innate tolerance.
A simple reality dictates that you are highly likely to adopt that behavior if you regularly associate yourself with those who use drugs or alcohol excessively. If you are a sibling or a spouse of drug use, chances are higher that you’ll become one too.
A stressful environment can powerfully impact your behavior. Raising children in traumatic settings or inadequate parenting also strongly influences addiction. If you are overly authoritative at home with little affection but high demands, you can quickly push your children to succumb to peer pressure to use drugs.
Parenting styles that use interaction patterns that promote antisocial behaviors among children can increase the risk of a subtype of alcoholism associated with an antisocial personality disorder. Living in an environment that sees drug abuse as a normal part of life or an acceptable means of coping increases the chances of your children adopting similar behaviors.
The unemployment rates, especially during the pandemic, contributed significantly to the rising rates of drug addiction. But all hope is not lost. If you are still struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol, we recommend that you seek help from a professional. A Miami drug and alcohol rehab center can provide stability and a safe space to detox from substances.
Seeking Help Late
Asking for help can help you understand the best approach to addressing your drug problem. Calling a helpline, talking to a counselor or a doctor, joining a treatment group, or talking to friends or family can help you moderate your alcohol and drug intake and make informed decisions.
Research shows that early intervention is the best way to help someone at risk of becoming addicted to drugs. For this reason, general healthcare facilities now offer screening substances for substance use so that the problem can be detected early for effective intervention.
Unfortunately, the growing numbers of substance abuse are caused by not seeking help early. In most cases, people struggle to seek help because they fear that asking for help will make them appear weak, inferior, or incompetent.
Some people fail to ask for help because they fear rejection, which they feel is embarrassing and painful. Others feel like asking for help is burdening others. The truth is that asking for help is more beneficial and can help you identify people to make you feel good.
Can Drug Addiction Be Prevented or Cured?
Like in most cases of chronic illnesses, treatment for drug addiction does not equal a cure. But, through therapy, you can successfully manage drug addiction and go back to leading an everyday life. When recovering from addiction, you also face a considerable risk of relapse for years or even a lifetime.
Studies have shown that combining treatment with behavioral therapy gives you a better chance of success. A doctor will prescribe medicine that matches your drug use patterns. But the best news is that drug addiction can be prevented.
While many events and cultural issues affect drug use trends, young people tend to refrain from using drugs when they are enlightened to view it as harmful. Therefore, education outreach can be a practical approach to preventing drug addiction, and teachers, parents, and healthcare providers play a crucial role in making it happen.