If you’ve recently sustained an injury, the last thing you’re probably thinking about is stepping into a ballet studio! While you may not be ready to get en pointe any time soon, a little time in a studio might be very beneficial. Have you considered incorporating pilates classes into your injury recovery plan?
The reason why so many prima ballerinas swear by pilates exercise is because it helps build a dancer’s facility. It is their way of tuning their instrument – their body – so it works as well as it can. It can lead to longer and leaner muscles and better overall joint health… and dancers aren’t the only ones who can benefit!
Are you curious about how the best pilates classes can help support your rehabilitation? Keep reading to learn more, and then look up “Pilates classes near me” to get started!
What Is Pilates?
Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise, which is what makes it ideal as part of injury recovery. The goal of pilates is to offer a simple, practical way to strengthen and lengthen your muscles. As a result, individuals who take clinical Pilates in Townsville classes tend to improve their flexibility and posture over time.
It is similar to yoga in certain ways but lacks yoga’s spiritual practice. It’s all about breath, and slow, specific movement. A rehabilitation specialist will know how to use pilates to address the impact of your injuries during recovery. If you’re curious about the role of Pilates in recovery, check out this service for more information.
What Are the Benefits of Pilates Classes?
Those who love Pilates believe that this practice improves the way your entire body works! One of the biggest benefits is an improvement to your functional movement, which is the way your body works and feels on a day-to-day basis. It can improve everything from balance to stability, even in individuals without prior injuries.
Here are a few of the incredible benefits of Pilates on the body:
- Increased muscular endurance
- Improved posture
- Better overall balance
- A reduction in depression, anxiety, and fatigue
- Increased upper body strength
- Greater flexibility
- Stronger core
- More confident overall mobility
While beginners may experience some soreness when they begin, this is proof that your muscles are getting a workout! Muscles grow stronger as they heal after exercise. Your Pilates instructor will know exactly which muscles to work out to help you reap these above benefits!
Achieve Your Best When You Take Pilates Classes
There is a reason why some of the top athletes in the world take pilates classes! This discipline can help every part of your body work better, whether or not you’re recovering from an injury. Ask your doctor or physical therapist if pilates-assisted rehabilitation is the best next step in your recovery process!
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