Small businesses are the base of the United States. More than 30 million small businesses were in operation in America in 2019. They employed almost 60 million workers.
Every small business is different. But each business leader wants a fair economy and political space that promotes good business practices. Chambers of commerce help in that mission.
But what is the Chamber of Commerce? What are the differences amongst local, statewide, and national organizations? What are the benefits of joining different chambers?
Answer these questions, and you can promote your business interests in little time. Here is your comprehensive guide.
Table of Contents
Local Chambers of Commerce
A local chamber of commerce is a non-governmental organization that promotes local businesses. The jurisdictions for chambers depend on what the chamber is located.
If a city is large enough, it may have its own chamber. Some cities may consolidate under one chamber, especially in a major metropolitan area.
Business owners serve as members of the chamber. They can elect a board of directors, appointing a CEO or a president to run the organization.
They pay dues, but they receive services back. They can attend seminars and receive other educational resources. They can go to mixers and other occasions where they can meet other business leaders.
Because the chamber is independent of the government, it cannot pass laws that affect businesses. But it can serve as a powerful lobbying body, petitioning the mayor and city council to pass or reject certain laws.
Many chambers have research bodies. They can ask mathematicians and scientists to look into the consequences of a piece of legislation. They can then publish the reports, so the public understands what is going on.
In addition to lobbying, chambers engage in many public relations efforts. They sponsor events in their communities, including picnics and non-business events.
State-Level Chambers
46 states have their own chambers of commerce, but the ways they organize themselves differ. Local chambers may report to the statewide one, or they may act independently of each other. Local businesses can join one or both.
In general, state chambers focus on statewide and federal issues. They don’t concern themselves with laws that are based within municipalities, though businesses may go to them for help. State chambers focus on the works of governors and congresspeople.
You may have heard of a state trade association. This organization is akin to a chamber of commerce, and many associations are involved in lobbying and marketing efforts.
But a trade association focuses on one particular line of work, while chambers represent all lines. Politicians prefer to work with chambers because of how many people they represent.
State-level chambers rarely sponsor public events unless there are very popular ones in the state. If there is an important piece of legislation, they may run advertisements advocating for their position on it. But most state-level chambers work behind the scenes.
Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, and Rhode Island do not have state-level chambers. They do have local ones, but they do not consolidate their resources into one organization. Washington, DC does not have a chamber of commerce either.
The Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives
The Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) organizes the leaders of local chambers together. The Association is largely a training and education organization. Leaders can receive guides on how to lead their chambers and run their own businesses.
But the ACCE does mobilize on several issues. In 2015, the group passed a statement calling for better inclusion and diversity in business. They continue to provide resources on allyship and socioeconomic justice.
Local and state chambers can decide to join the ACCE on their own initiative. They are not required to join, though nearly all major metropolitan chambers are members. Benefits of joining including sharing in the Association’s healthcare plans.
The National Chamber of Commerce
The United States Chamber of Commerce is the nation’s national chamber of commerce. It is independent of the Department of Commerce, which is a department of the US government. But it is immensely important.
Suzanne Clark serves as the current President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce. Clark has led several organizations, including the National Journal Group. She serves on the boards of two public companies in addition to the Chamber of Commerce.
The executive team of the Chamber includes several other positions. Myron Brilliant heads the Chamber’s efforts on international affairs, working with foreign leaders on business initiatives. Lisa Rickard advises the president on his business policies.
Individual businesses, chambers, and trade associations can join the Chamber. The Chamber targets small businesses, in particular, offering resources on loan forgiveness and financial management. But any organization can become a member.
Businesspeople are allowed to attend Chamber meetings. But the leaders of state-wide chambers and important trade associations receive top priority. They can contact the executive leaders directly, speaking on behalf of their members.
The Small Business Council is an internal body within the Chamber. It organizes small business leaders together and develops policies that appeal to them.
The Chamber organizes efforts on a wide range of issues. Infrastructure, financial regulation, and labor are three issues they spend much of their time on.
The Chamber advocates for less regulation, making it easier for companies to go public with their stock options. At the same time, it supports increased spending on infrastructure projects and protecting retirement options.
But it does involve itself in issues that are less related to business. It mobilizes on freedom of speech, health care, and tourism promotion.
The Chamber previously took conservative positions on the environment. But in 2019, it released a statement acknowledging mankind’s role in climate change. It now petitions politicians to adopt measures like rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement.
The organization has made endorsements for political candidates. It launched an initiative in 2016 to allow Republicans to maintain their control of the Senate. Yet it has endorsed Democrats, including in primary races.
Specialized Chambers
You may have heard of other kinds of chambers. Some chambers cater to a specific group of business owners.
The National Black Chamber of Commerce promotes Black-owned businesses. The group facilitates connections throughout the Black Diaspora, helping American businesses recruit workers from Africa and the Caribbean.
Some chambers are bilateral organizations, like the Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce. They work to strengthen trade and business ties between two countries.
Other organizations are multinational. The European American Chamber of Commerce serves the United States, France, the Netherlands, and other countries. Conferences are held on both sides of the Atlantic to discuss business policies.
The International Chamber of Commerce has members from dozens of different countries. It works with the United Nations and the World Trade Organization on different policies.
Individual businesses cannot join most multinational chambers. But business leaders can attend conferences and lobby the international groups in their statewide chambers.
Benefits of Joining a Chamber
Any businessperson should join their local chamber of commerce at a minimum. It is hard to talk to every business leader in a particular area one-on-one. But chambers host events that make networking easy.
If you are a formal person, you can go to a corporate dinner or mixer at a bar. If you are more informal, you can go to a sponsored event like a meet-and-greet.
Local chambers do not offer loans by themselves. But they can refer you to lenders who could extend you one. They can give you informative guides on how to apply and pay for a loan over time.
State-wide chambers offer similar benefits to local ones. If you want to make a difference in politics, you should join a state body. You may be able to craft connections that can help you run for office yourself.
The US Chamber of Commerce runs institutes that provide training for business leaders. Becoming an official member can give you a discount on these initiatives, helping you save thousands of dollars.
So What Is the Chamber of Commerce?
Many people have questions about the Chamber of Commerce. What is the Chamber of Commerce? That depends on what you are referring to.
A local chamber of commerce organizes leaders within a certain area. A statewide chamber represents all leaders within a state.
The US Chamber of Commerce mobilizes business leaders nationally. They lobby congresspeople and the president to support business-friendly policies. There are bilateral and international organizations that do the same.
Join your local chamber to network and receive educational resources. But don’t wait until you join to learn more about business. Follow our coverage for more business guides.