Sublimation tumblers are a great way to preserve your favorite beverages, and they can even be customized with your own heat press. In this article, we’ll explain how sublimation tumblers work, why you should use them in the first place, and what they look like on the inside.
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Sublimation tumbler
Sublimation is a process in which a material is heated and then transferred to another solid. It’s used for things like making paints and dyes, so you’ve probably seen 20oz sublimation tumbler before.
Sublimation tumblers are made of stainless steel, which means they’re durable enough that you can use them year-round without worrying about them breaking or scratching easily. They’re also dishwasher safe—so no more worries about scrubbing your hands on the sides!
How does sublimation work?
As the name suggests, sublimation is a process that changes the physical state of a substance directly from the solid to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase. In order to understand how this works, we first need to know what happens when you heat something up. The easiest way to describe this process would be by saying that heat causes molecules within molecules (within atoms) and atoms themselves to move faster than they were before—and then those particles continue moving faster as more heat is applied.
For example: If you were cooking some spaghetti on your stovetop and added more olive oil than you normally would for cooking spaghetti (in addition to other spices), then it would become less viscous as it heated up because there was less water present in each molecule; therefore it could flow freely through narrow openings larger than its own size! This same principle applies when heating up objects via infrared radiation from sources such as tungsten lamps or solar panels.”
How do you make a personalized sublimation tumbler with your own heat press?
Sublimation tumblers are a great way to make custom mugs, but there is also a sublimation heat press you can use that allows you to do the same thing.
To make your own sublimation tumbler, follow these steps:
- Purchase an inexpensive ceramic mug or mason jar (you don’t need to spend more than $10). We recommend using one with a handle so it’s easy for kids and adults alike to hold onto while they drink from it! It should have no cracks or chips in its surface; if there are any noticeable flaws in its appearance, skip this step and move on with making your personalized mug instead!
- Next up is deciding on what design(s) would look best on top of each other when put together inside one big jar/mug set-up at home—whether it be two different images created by hand drawing or two different images printed onto paper stock then glued together at corners before being placed into jars/mugs simultaneously (this method works best if both pictures were drawn exactly symmetrical around their centers). We suggest choosing something simple yet meaningful enough not only because everyone loves animals but also because sometimes we feel like having something pretty close resembles our own faces which makes us happy 🙂
Learn how and why you should use a sublimation tumbler.
Sublimation is a process that uses heat to transfer an image to a tumbler or other product. The image is transferred onto the surface of your tumbler, mug or whatever shape you choose.
Sublimating allows you to create a personalized mug or tumbler with your own heat press! It can be affordable and fun.