Approximately 90% of the world has access to electricity and uses appliances that require electricity.
But is there more to wires and plugs than we’re aware of? Is it possible that the electricity running through your walls is impacting your health?
There is research that suggests that the electromagnetic radiation around us has the potential to cause harm. If you’re concerned about this phenomenon, then an EMF lie detector test is your answer. Find out more about what they do and why you need one in this quick guide.
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What Is EMF?
EMF is an acronym for electromagnetic field. The earth has a natural electromagnetic field, as does the sun. But there are also manmade electromagnetic fields that come from electrical wires, our appliances, and all of the wireless devices we use.
The majority of the world’s population is exposed to EMFs every single day. That’s because they exist anywhere that electricity or wireless systems are being used. While natural EMFs are totally safe, manmade EMFs may be harmful to our bodies because they produce microwave radiation.
What Is an EMF Detector?
There’s no way for the human eye to see an electromagnetic field or the EMF radiation that it gives off. But there’s a way to find out whether a space at home or work has dangerous electromagnetic radiation and how much.
An EMF detector or EMF meter measures electric and magnetic energy. They do this by detecting fluctuations in the electric or magnetic energy in the area they’re measuring. These devices are easy to use and the only way to find EMF radiation.
How Does an EMF Detector Work?
Most emf meters use antennas or probes to detect electromagnetic field radiation. The meter then sends a signal to you.
In most cases, the signal is in the form of a number. Higher numbers represent high levels of EMF and lower numbers are associated with lower levels of EMF.
However, readings are unique to each device. Consult your instructions for more information on how to read your EMF detector.
Why Use an EMF Detector?
While the scientific jury is still out on whether or not EMFs are dangerous to human health, there is some concern regarding our exposure to this radiation.
As mentioned, we’ve lived alongside natural EMF radiation since the beginning of human history. But the same cannot be said for manmade EMF radiation.
Manmade EMF radiation, especially that which comes from computers, wi-fi, phones, and microwaves, can cause a range of health issues. These issues range from sleep issues and constant headaches to infertility and possibly even cancer.
More on Your Health
EMF radiation from manmade sources can have potentially damaging consequences to human health. If you’re concerned about the effects of EMF radiation in the spaces you occupy, consider getting an EMF detector. These devices can tell you just how much electromagnetic radiation you’re being exposed to on a daily basis.
And for more tips and advice about your health, check out our Health section regularly.