Injuries are a part of life—every year, 3 million people are injured in car accidents alone. However, if you believe your injury was preventable and caused by negligence on the part of another person, you may be entitled to a settlement in court.
You may have heard the term personal injury, and that by using this term you can gain additional financial compensation—but what does the term “personal injury” mean? Can you really benefit from using it?
Before you hire a personal injury lawyer, it’s important to understand exactly what this term means. This article will walk you through a brief introduction to personal injury law.
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What is a Personal Injury?
A personal injury—in legal terminology—is a physical injury that’s caused “pain and suffering”. But how do you define “pain and suffering”?
While it’s hard to measure levels of physical damage. A personal injury attorney can help you out if you can prove that you’ve suffered broken bones, lingering back pain, persistent headaches, sprained muscles, or damaged joints as a result of your injury.
Personal injury law can also help you out if you’ve suffered significant psychological damage—even if the physical damage was small. The medical world often very specific, cold, and objective; that’s where the world of law steps in.
If, for example, you’ve suffered a broken arm that’s healed quickly, but still nags you now and then, and thinking about the pain causes insomnia—you can be entitled to personal injury funds. Just because the pain “isn’t that bad”, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve compensation. You have still suffered.
In the 21st century, mental health issues have become destigmatized. If you’ve suffered from anxiety, depression, anger issues, post-traumatic stress disorder, from your injury, these issues are just as legitimate as a personal injury. You’re entitled to payment for these injuries.
Hiring a personal injury can lead to an increase in quality of life. Not only will you be able to pay any medical bills you had to deal with, but you may even be able to get the money that you would have made if you happened to miss work. On top of all of this, you can gain an extra level of peace of mind, knowing that justice has been served.
If you suspect your injury is a personal injury, make sure you contact an attorney. Mary Alexander is a wonderful and reliable San Jose personal injury Attorney.
Hire An Attorney
Suffering physical and psychological damage at the hand of another person doesn’t need to result in suffering-in-silence. If you believe your injury is a personal injury, hire an attorney today, and get the financial compensation that you deserve.
U.S. law may be confusing, but it’s out there to protect you. Take advantage of it, and hire a personal injury attorney.
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