Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction is a Physical or psychological condition of men that affects their erection during sex. Men will be mostly affected by these diseases, this can happen because of some physical conditions like blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and even it can happen because of other medicines. Not only physical and also some Psychological factors that affect their erection that is lack of self-esteem. Or some relationship issues etc. Nowadays, this is a common issue that affects men. Almost 70 percent of the world population in the age between 25-70 have erectile dysfunction.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
The following are some common causes that affect your ejaculation during sexual intercourse.
High Blood pressure
Nowadays blood pressure is a common problem for many people. Even some young people have high blood pressure this can happen because of poor lifestyle as well as food. High blood pressure can reduce blood flow in your penis and affect you erection. Even it is very risky for your health and your mind. So better talk to a doctor before It became serious. While checking you erectile dysfunction you need to mention your high blood pressure problem with your doctor.
High Cholesterol
High cholesterol not only causing erectile dysfunction, it can also affect your entire body. Lack of physical activities or eating Jung food can cause this kind of issues in your body. Talk to a nutrition about your diet and do a physical activity daily. You can walk, jog, cycling or gym. Even you can join in any sport club you are interested in. exercising will help to increase the blood flow in your body and help you in erectile dysfunction.
Alcohol Consumption
This is a common problem in many family. While drinking, you will be like another person. You will lose interest in many things, you will be only focusing on drinking. So better avoid that habit for better sexual performance.
Smoking & drugs
Just like alcohol, smoking will affect your sexual life seriously. If you are smoking continuously and you are in your 20’s or even if you are a teenager, erectile dysfunction will affect you. Smoking will cause you real damage for your body.
Any kind of drug also affects you in many ways. Better you should avoid permanently for better sexual desire and good relationship.
Sleeping disorder
Sleeping is a gift. If you can sleep for at least 6 hours a day then you are a luckiest person. Lack of sleep or over sleeping cause much damage to your psychological condition. Nowadays sleeping is a major problem that affects people than olden days. Now the technology is giving you a lot but there is a major problem also causing by that. We are using mobile phones at night and we are changing our sleeping cycle. So it is better to have a sleeping cycle for 10pm to 5am.
Heart diseases
If you have heart disease better you check for erectile dysfunction as well. Because this linked with each other. If you have heart disease there is high chances of you having an erectile dysfunction. Better you talk to an expert before you take a medicine by yourself.
Obesity can cause a serious problem in your body. This can cause blood pressure, heart disease, joint pain, etc. You should work on your obesity before it become very serious. Regular workouts or physical activity is a great way to reduce your fat. Good food habit can help you in obesity. With obesity, you can’t perform well in your sex.
Remedies for erectile dysfunction
We can reverse by following a few steps and get a professional advice
- Proper workouts can help you in maintaining the blood flow of your body. That will reduce the effect of erectile dysfunction in your body. Regular physical actives can make you active in your regular as well as sexual life.
- You can have many medicines for erectile dysfunction but you should take these medicines with proper advice from doctors, don’t take any medicines by yourself. If you do that will damage your body and affect you immediately. The following are some medicines which can help you in erectile dysfunction
- Fildena
- Cenforce 200
- Kamagra Oral Jelly
- You can change your diet for better results. You should eat fish, vegetables, fruits etc. proper diet can make you healthy and help you in treating erectile dysfunction. You should talk to a doctor before you start your Dieting and exercise. Because if you have blood pressure your diet will be different, If you have obesity your diet will be different so when you start your diet plan better you should have proper knowledge and avoid doing it by yourself.
- Try to track your sleeping cycle and have proper 6 Hour sleep.
before you take any medicine, you need to talk to a professional about it.