Pregnancy: Also known as gestation is a period during which a fetus develops inside a woman’s womb or uterus.
It usually lasts about 9 months or around 40 weeks.
Usually, it is referred to three segments of pregnancy, called trimesters.
During the initial stages of pregnancy, women can experience various symptoms occurring due to the hormonal changes taking place in their body which can be the early symptoms of pregnancy.
Missed period: It is the classic and most common symptom indicating the beginning of pregnancy. Sometimes it is possible that a period is skipped because of some other reasons such as stress or irregular menstrual cycle. So, this can’t be the most precise way to conclude whether one is pregnant or not.
Nausea: It is a general sign of gestation. Often termed as morning sickness, it is not harmful to the foetus but can affect the life of the woman under gestation.
Weight gain: Putting on a few pounds is common during the early stages of pregnancy. It marks the healthy growth of the foetus and is often considered positive for the health of the baby. So, if there is a sudden increase in body weight, this can be an early sign of pregnancy.
Cramps: Cramps occur because of a change in the uterus size which might cause some discomfort.
Resulting in stretching of the uterus which is more rapid in the case of twins or multiples. It leads to cramps that are quite identical to menstrual cramps which can be an early sign of pregnancy. But if cramps alongside bleeding occurs then it can be a sign of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.
Breast size changes: Due to growth in milk-producing cells and increased blood flow this change occurs. Breasts become tender, sensitive and fuller because of continuous hormonal changes. The size of the nipple increases gradually as the gestation phase starts.
Spotting: This can usually be seen in the initial stages of pregnancy. Bleeding or spotting is a symptom of gestation. This is quite common. Around 1 out of 4 (25%) of the women experience spotting during their pregnancy period. Bleeding and spotting can sometimes indicate a miscarriage or other serious complications too.
Urination: Though pregnancy does not affect urination much it increases the frequency of it to some extent. The women under gestation urinate more comparatively.
Mood swings: These are quite common and frequent during the time of pregnancy. Women during pregnancy usually face a number of physical and hormonal changes which leads to mood swings. Going from all way over-enthusiastic to dull and pale, it can be experienced quite frequently during the early stages of pregnancy.
Headache: In the first few days of gestation, headache is experienced. It is due to a sudden change in the hormones present in the body of the person who is pregnant. Severe headaches and migraine is one common symptom of pregnancy.
Back pain: It occurs due to the initiation of pregnancy. Back pain can be severe in some cases. Though it is not dreadful in most of the cases. It marks the beginning of pregnancy.
Insomnia: This sleeping illness can be caused due to various factors of the initial gestation. Frequent trips to the bathroom, aches and pains, including headache, round ligament pain, etc. This is an early symptom of pregnancy.
Heartburn: Indigestion or acid reflux and be seen as early signs of pregnancy. It is usually caused by sudden hormonal changes taking place in the women’s body. Heartburn can be a symptom of pregnancy in the early stages of gestation.
Constipation and Bloating: An increased level of progesterone causes the muscles of the digestive tract to slow down which gives rise to constipation and gas, causing bloating of the stomach.
Hypertension: Hypertension or increased blood pressure can be experienced during the early stages of pregnancy. During the early stages, women’s bodies are not habitual of sudden hormonal changes. This sudden transition leads to increased blood pressure which is also known as hypertension. It can be a precise symptom of gestation.
Restless legs syndrome (RLS): RLS is a severe syndrome indicating the early signs of pregnancy. It is caused due to a lack of enough iron and folic acid in women’s bodies. Sometimes, the rising estrogen levels during the initiation period of pregnancy can also lead to restless legs syndrome. RLS can be an accurate symptom for gestation.
Though all these signs can indicate the initiation of pregnancy, one can’t rely on them solely. Many of them can be a sign of menstrual disorders such as as- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), Amenorrhea or Menorrhagia.
So for the confirmation of pregnancy, one should visit a doctor or take a home pregnancy test.