Urinary incontinence in Sandy Springs is a common problem among older people, especially women. Incontinence is the loss of bladder control that causes you to leak or pass urine involuntarily. The severity of the problem ranges from mild to severe – for example, mild strain due to coughing or sneezing can cause you to leak urine. Sometimes incontinence is so intense that you cannot withhold urine because of the irresistible and sudden urge to urinate. The good news is that treatments such as pelvic muscle exercises, time voiding, biofeedback, and lifestyle changes can help you get better control of your bladder.
Types of urinary incontinence
Stress incontinence
Stress incontinence occurs when urine leaks due to pressure exerted on the bladder during exercise and when you sneeze, laugh, cough, and lift heavy objects. It is the most common type of incontinence, especially in middle-aged women.
Urge incontinence
It is characterized by a sudden and strong urge to urinate, and patients can hardly hold urine long enough to get to the toilet. Urge incontinence gives you a frequent urge to urinate, especially at night. It can be due to an infection or severe problems such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes.
Overflow incontinence
Overflow incontinence happens if you have difficulties emptying your bladder each time you pee. In men, overflow incontinence may be due to problems such as an enlarged prostate. Overflow incontinence also occurs when your bladder is too full and leaks small amounts of urine. While urinary incontinence is common in women, men are more likely to develop overflow incontinence.
Functional incontinence
It is common in older people who usually have healthy bladders but take longer to get to the toilet due to other problems such as arthritis, making it challenging to move swiftly.
What’s the treatment for urinary incontinence?
There are different treatments for urinary incontinence, and the one your doctor recommends depends on the type and severity of the bladder problem. However, if you have any underlying condition responsible for your symptoms, your doctor will address that problem first. Typically specialists recommend simple or conservative treatments before exploring other options. The following are examples of behavioral techniques treatments that can be beneficial if you have urinary incontinence.
Double voiding
Empty your bladder for the second time a few minutes after urinating. Doing this helps you empty your bladder and avoid overflow incontinence.
Bladder training
Instead of rushing to the toilet immediately, try to hold in urine for at least 10 minutes to lengthen the time between toilet trips.
Plan your toilet trips
Create a schedule to urinate after every two to four hours instead of waiting for the urge to pee.
Diet changes
Limit your intake of acidic foods, caffeine, alcohol, and liquid consumption. If you are obese, lose extra pounds and increase physical activities to improve bladder control.
Pelvic muscle exercises
These are exercises that aim at strengthening the muscles you use to stop urinating. Pelvic muscle exercises, commonly known as Kegel exercises, help you hold in urine in your bladder for a long time.
If you have further questions about urinary incontinence, consult with your healthcare provider at Wellife Center.