Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that can normally affect people from the age group of 20–60
years and this is also a very expensive disease to treat which is the main reason that the
individuals must be adequately insured about this so that they can deal with the problems very
easily. If people are diagnosed with diabetes, then their finances can take a great hit in terms of
unexpected losses in income which is the main reason that taking the right kind of preventive
measures like purchasing health insurance for diabetic patients is very much important in the
whole process. Whenever it comes to the world of diabetes it is very much important for
people to invest their funds into the right kind of policies so that they can act as a financial
It is very much important for people to decide the right kind of cover amount and this will
always depend upon different kinds of factors like gender, location and age. Hence, as per the
studies, diabetes is normally affecting men more in comparison to women. So, most of the
claims are made by the males from the age group of 36-60 years and some of the premiums on
renewal may change because of the age of the policyholders. Apart from this as per the latest
trend of the industry majority of the claims are made by the major cities because the cost of
medication is far more over there in comparison to the small cities and towns.
It is very much important for people to purchase the cover as a preventive measure!
If any of the people have a history of diabetes in the family then it is very much important for
them to invest their time in funds into purchasing of the adequate cover at the earliest so that
they can avail the best possible advantages of a best possible plan in a standard hospital cover
which will include diabetes. This particular cover will be far cheaper in comparison to the
specialised health insurance cover and will help in providing the people with the right kind of
treatment. Further, it is very much important for people to check out the waiting period in the
whole process for the pre-existing problems because sometimes it might not cover diabetes
across all stages. One can go with the option of considering the addition of a critical rider to the
basic health plan that covers diabetes in such cases because critical rider plans are considered
to be the best possible way because they are the standalone health cover. If the people go with
the option of adopting the plan in the very early stages of detection then they will also get good
coverage for the waiting period as well before there will be a need for hospitalisation. So,
considering the type of diabetes is another very important thing to be taken into consideration.
There are several kinds of plans available in the market that offer specialised diabetic specific
complications and services and many of the plans also deal with type-two diabetes along with
associated problems like kidney-related issues, heart-related problems and various other kinds
of things.
If the individuals have not been diagnosed with diabetes yet and still are interested to
purchase the regular indemnity plan then it is very much important for the people to go with
that particular plan which will come as a top-up for critical illness or family floater in addition to
the basic policy because the indemnity cover should not be more than 10, lakh. Many of the
health insurance companies help in covering diabetes and top-up plans and such plans are not
that much expensive as the regular indemnity plan. On the other hand, if the individuals go with
the option of choosing the Family floater as the base policy then also they will be saving a lot in
terms of premiums because the risk of exhausting the floater if a family member should fall ill
then one can go with the option of a floater on the top-up plan. Apart from all these points if
the individuals are already diabetic then they must go with the option of opting for the
specialist diabetes plan that will cover diabetes-related problems so that they can deal with
things perfectly.
It is further very much important for the people to be clear about basic terms like type one
diabetes, type two diabetes, waiting period, pre-existing diseases, premium loading and several
kinds of things so that they can make the right kind of decisions associated with the health
insurance of diabetes. Depending on companies life Care insurance is a very good idea for the
people so that they end up purchasing the best possible policies for themselves.