If you’re reading about colivings for the first time, you’re probably thinking, “Millennials created dorms.”
Although this is an idea of shared accommodation, it has no relation to a dormitory. Coliving is not a random gathering of individuals; it is a community of people who share similar interests and perspectives on life. They communicate, organize house parties, help each other – and become not just neighbors, but family. If you need to find one now, check the co living apartments NYC here.
Coliving is a separate philosophy. This is not a dry interpretation of a modern dormitory with discussed nuances, coworking, and housing under one roof. Coliving is a lifestyle that inspires and makes you think seriously about packing a suitcase and a ticket for the next flight. Especially millennials and buzzers who work remotely, travel, and look for new experiences.
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Why Is It a Good Option?
Imagine – you are no longer limited to one circle of communication, one city, or a country. You are a citizen of the world. Under one roof with you – not random neighbors, but like-minded people. Artists, startups, musicians, writers, IT specialists – young and creative, with whom it is interesting to communicate, collaborate and spend free time. And together you are more than a roommate, you are a family.
Colivings are becoming a trend because it is really difficult to rent real estate in America. You need to have guarantors, a significant amount of money in the account, and a good credit history. However, even with all this, you get an apartment without furniture and comfort, which must be vacated promptly, otherwise, there will be a lot of problems. And you are left alone in a huge city – without family, friends, and support, and it’s hard.
Coliving is about how easy it is to share. Energy, resources, time. Each of them forms a strong community. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is, how old you are or what language you speak. The main thing is to make a valuable contribution to the community and adhere to the philosophy of coliving, which distinguishes this format of housing from any “modern dormitory”
In coliving, everything is simple: arrival on any day, the opportunity to live from month to year, a room with all the conditions. No deposits, with legal support and a calm heart.
Coliving as a People’s Social Need
Man needs a man – and coliving provides those needs. We are all social by nature, and skeptical introverts need to be part of the community. Feel that some are ready to support and help. This is especially important when traveling – when you find yourself in a new country, in an unfamiliar city, and do not know anyone.
There will be no such problems in coliving. From day one, you have friends and support. And you have all the useful contacts:
- where to eat with a low check;
- where to go to have fun;
- what to see in the city you live in.
This saves you time and helps you adapt faster.
Some find love in coliving, some find friendship, and some find partnership and creative collaborations. And it inspires us. After all, life is so dynamic now that finding your own and calming down is a task with an asterisk.