The moment you realize your internet is not working properly, you simply call customer support to address the issue. Sometimes you have to wait for hours to get connected to customer support, and still face issues after the issue is resolved by the representative. However, the fact is that probably the issue is with your Wi-Fi instead of any backend issue.
Especially if you are working from home due to COVID-19 lockdown, you can’t sit in one place stranded on an Ethernet cable. Moreover, streaming, downloading and gaming is another big reason to use Wi-Fi instead of connecting to the Ethernet cable. There are many ways to fix the issue, which might not be difficult for any non-tech-savvy person. Let’s have a look at some of the ways to boost your Wi-Fi and fix the issue without sweating.
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Reduce Bandwidth Leeches
If you are facing slow internet speed, you can simply make some tweaks that are easy to follow. One of the reasons for slow internet speed is that you have not properly set the security of your Wi-Fi network. To many of you, it may be a surprising thing, but it’s a fact. Someone in your neighbor or passerby is using your Wi-Fi and consuming all the juice you need to stream HD videos, online games, and heavy downloads. As more and more devices are added to the same network, it might pull the juice out, resulting in slower speeds.
If you want to protect your Wi-Fi network from any random person to connect, make sure to protect it with WPA2 security and a complex password. With this tip, you will be able to secure your network not only from free Wi-Fi stalkers but also from hackers. Make sure to include upper and lower cases along with special characters and numbers when choosing the password. Although most people are too lazy to pick a complex password, the fact is it will offer you better security.
Buy Sufficient Bandwidth
Data caps can be a nightmare for internet users. Most internet service providers offer a limited amount of data to users. As soon as they end up, you will feel a much slower speed than before. The reason is that the speed throttles as soon as you reach your data limits. This might result in slowing down your internet speed.
In today’s world, everyone is occupied enjoying Netflix shows on 4K video, playing high-resolution games like Fortnite or Call of Duty, and online conferences. Moreover, if you have transformed your traditional home into a smart home, the bandwidth consumed is much higher than any other ordinary household consumes. Paying a bit higher would result in peace of mind forever.
With all these activities, the data is sucked up without letting you know. The best solution is to look for service providers offering an unlimited amount of bandwidth to meet your daily internet usage. Spectrum Internet offers you the freedom to enjoy as much bandwidth as you want without worrying about its limit. Moreover, you can call upon customer support anytime, even if you are a Spanish speaker by calling número de spectrum.
Move Your Wireless Router
You might have experienced that in some parts of the home, you get the optimal speed while in others your internet is like a dead rubber. The reason is that the Wi-Fi signals are not properly transmitted throughout the home, due to obstacles like wardrobe, walls, and other household items.
If you are experiencing such problems for a while, you can fix the problem with a little tweak. Just move your router to the center of the house. With this trick, you will see a drastic improvement in Wi-Fi signals, which will help you to do online activities like binge-watching Netflix shows, online gaming, and downloading movies from torrents.
Replace the Old Wi-Fi Technology with a New One
If you want to experience high-speed internet, you might need to invest some money. Don’t worry it won’t cost you much. Make sure to use the latest wi-fi hardware available on the market. Some of the best wireless routers you can purchase are from brands like TP-Link, Netgear, and Asus.
At present, you can also find wireless routers with four antennas that help you to improve Wi-Fi signals. If you are a gamer or a movie buff, investing a bit more will help you to enjoy high-speed internet without any obstacles.
Buy a Wi-Fi Extender
If you are living in a big household, buying a Wi-Fi extender helps in boosting wi-fi signals, leaving no dead spots or poor signals in any part of the house. You can watch movies, play games, and download files from any part of the house without worrying about signals.
Summing Up
Boosting your Wi-Fi isn’t a big deal when you know what to do. If following the aforementioned tips does not help you out, make sure to call the customer support of your respective service provider.