Things being what they are, you need some Victoria 2 cheats? The religion classic grand procedure game is set during the nineteenth century, at a season of incredible change, of rising patriotism, social government assistance, and a significant move towards vote based governments. It’s likewise the stature of grandiose colonialism as the significant forces vied for impact over lesser countries and new grounds.
The game was initially delivered back in 2010 and has now been raised to image status as we as a whole stand by persistently for Victoria 3. Until that occurs however, we’ll need to manage with its somewhat antiquated plan, maybe spruced up with some Victoria 2 mods. You can check Amity Park Cheats – Working Cheat Codes
Interesting among the Paradox strategy games, Victoria 2 happens over a generally brief timeframe range yet includes its time in single days. Contingent upon your objective, you’ll frequently have to achieve a ton in a short stretch of time, and if things go poorly go consummately, well… we will not pass judgment on you on the off chance that you need to look into some Victoria 2 cheats and console commands to help smooth things along.
Unique notice to Steam client ‘NoseFaceButt’, basically for the name, yet additionally on the grounds that they put in a great deal of work compiling the commands and occasions for their own guide.
Table of Contents
How to Enter cheat codes in Victoria 2 Game?
Apply the cheat codes in Victoria 2 game by three straightforward strides beneath:
- Press the’ (grave)’ or ‘~ (tilde)’ key, which will open the console.
- Type the cheat code you need to utilize.
- Press Enter to execute.
To utilize Victoria 2 cheats (or, as they are additionally known as, console commands), you’ll need to either press the ‘ ‘grave’ or ~ ’tilde’ keys. This will raise the in-game console. You should simply include one of the beneath commands and press return (enter) to get the impact you need.
Here is a rundown of Victoria 2 console commands and Cheats:
- addresearch(addr) [techname] –Adds research at indicated name. (any misspelling=crash)
- blockade –Bar territory.
- changeowner [TAG] [province id] – Change the current proprietor of [province id] to the Label determined.
- conquerall [country tag] –Set all foe territories under our influence.
- troubleshoot allmoney –Shows information for cash moves.
- troubleshoot alwaysaddwargoal –Eliminates limits for wargoal.
- investigate alwaysdiplo –Makes negotiators interminable.
- investigate alwaysreform –Wipes out the multi month stand by between changes. need +50% of the upper-house good of changes. impact will not vanish till reset game, obscure if simulated intelligence is influenced.
- investigate influence –Makes each Incredible Force’s impact on each nation fixed at 100. At the point when deactivated, all impact levels recover to business as usual.
- investigate create (invention) –in a split second get picked development.
- troubleshoot market –Turns on/off a log of value changes.
- troubleshoot researchpoints [number] –rpoints [number].
- investigate yesmen –The artificial intelligence acknowledges any arrangement with the player or other man-made intelligence players.
- election –Starts normal decisions at the present time.
- fow –Turn on/off mist of war.
- merchandise “XXX” –Gives XXX products to player in addition to a similar measure of cash (Notice: enormous measure of products lead to monetary issues.)
- inc –Abbreviated form of instantconstruction. Doesn’t influence the computer based intelligence.
- inr –Abbreviated form of instantresearch. Doesn’t influence the computer based intelligence.
- leaderprestige(lprestige) [province] [value] –Adds esteem to pioneers joined to units at determined area.
- Administration “XXX” –Gives XXX initiative focuses to the player.
- aggressiveness [level] –Changes hostility level. Attempt positive and negative qualities.
- hostility [province] [ideology] –Sets high aggressiveness for flies at area and indicated philosophy.
- Cash “XXX” –Gives XXX cash to player.
- Majority “XXX” –Sets XXX Majority Level from 1% to 100%.
- Renown “XXX” –Gives XXX eminence to player.
- reorg –All units in got 100% association and original capacity.
- researchpoints(rpoints) [num] –Adds determined measure of examination focuses.
- revolt [ territory id] –Rise every one of the substantial agitators of the country that controls [province id] (use twice).
- showprovinceid(provid) –Switches territory ID perceivability in tooltips.
- spawnunit [unit] [province id] –A [unit] shows up in the territory indicated at 0 association and original capacity. In the event of a land unit, the warriors will come from an arbitrary area.
- stifle [num] –Adds concealment focuses to your country.
- label [TAG] –Change the player country to the one determined. The [TAG] part should be in covers, and more than 1 change “rests” the artificial intelligence of the influenced country until reload.
- teleportselectionto(teleport) [province id] –Transports presently chosen unit to area.
- upperhouse –Moment upper house re-appointment.
VICTORIA 2 Occasions
Cheats/buffs aren’t the solitary things you can do through the in-game console. There are a lot of occasions that can trigger doing a game that bring about different changes, or empower new substance. Composing ‘Occasion [num]’ into the console interface and the important occasion will fire.
- Event 1000 Make Socialist government available
- Event 1001 Make Communist government available
- Event 1002 Make Anarcho-liberal government available
- Event 1003 Make Fascist government available
- Event 2510 casus belli – Cut Size
- Event 2520 casus belli – Humility
- Event 2530 casus belli – Place in the Sun
- Event 2540 casus belli – Cut Size
- Event 2550 casus belli – Drum of War
- Event 2560 casus belli – Patrimony
- Event 2570 casus belli – Conquest
- Event 3000 Health Care In favor of 30% Support in Provence
- Event 3100 Press Rights
- Event 3200 Forms a New Political Party
- Event 3300 Pensions In favor of 20% Support in Provence
- Event 3400 Unemployment Subsidies In favor of 30% Support in Provence
- Event 3401 Extend Subsidies or No Subsidies
- Event 3402 Lower Subsidies or Good Subsidies
- Event 3403 40% In favor of Acceptable Subsidies or In favor of 40% Acceptable Min. Wage
- Event 3404 20% In favor of Good Subsidies
- Event 3500 30% In favor of Trade Unions
- Event 3600 Safety Regulations
- Event 3700 40% In favor of Lower Work Hour Reform
- Event 3750 Public Meetings
- Event 3800 40% In favor of Increases Wage Reform
- Event 3900 40% In favor of Trade Unions Reform
- Event 4000 Slavery Abolishment Movement Support
- Event 4100 40% In favor of Upper House
- Event 4200 10% In favor of New Voting System Reform
- Event 4300 20% In favor of New Vote Franchise Reform
- Event 12000 Safety Regulations
- Event 12010 Safety Regulation Reform
- Event 60108 Extend Slavery or Not to Extend Slavery
- Event 14000 Trade Policy
- Event 14010 Economy
- Event 14020 Religion
- Event 14030 Citizenship
- Event 14040 War
- Event 14050 Protectionism
- Event 14060 Protectionism vs. Free Trade
- Event 14070 Laissez Faire
- Event 14080 Interventionism
- Event 14090 State Capitalism
- Event 14100 Planned economy
- Event 14110 Atheism
- Event 14120 Secularized
- Event 14130 Pluralism
- Event 14140 Moralism
- Event 14150 Residency
- Event 14160 Limited Citizenship
- Event 14170 Full Citizenship
- Event 14180 Jingoism
- Event 14190 Pro-Military
- Event 14200 Anti-Military
- Event 14210 Pacifism
- Event 18000 10.0 Socialist
- Event 18010 5 Liberals and 2 Conservatives add or 5 Conservatives and 2 Liberals add
- Event 18020 20.0 Liberals
- Event 18030 10.0 Liberals
- Event 18040 20.0 Socialists
- Event 18050 20.00 Liberals
- Event 18060 10.0 Radicals
- Event 18070 30.0 Liberals
- Event 18080 30.0 Radicals
- Event 18090 45.0 Liberals
- Event 18100 All Population 20% in Favor of Healthcare Reform
- Event 18110 All Population 20% in Favor of Subsides Reform
- Event 18120 50.0 Conservatives
- Event 18130 50.0 Socialists
- Event 18150 20.0 Fascist
- Event 18160 10.0 Liberals
- Event 18170 30.0 Socialists
- Event 18180 All Population Loses 1 Consciousness or Lose 1 Militancy
- Event 18190 All Population 10% in Favor of Jingoism
- Event 18200 All Population 10% in Favor of Laissez Faire
- Event 18520 All Population 5% in Favor of Jingoism and Lose 2.0 War Exhaustion or All Population 10% in Favor of Jingoism
- Event 17500 20% In favor of Socialism
- Event 18580 All Population 20% in Favor of Pacifism
- Event 22000 Enables Trusty System
- Event 22010 Establish a Penal Colony
- Event 22020 Penal Reform
- Event 22030 Foul Murder
- Event 22040 Chain Gang
- Event 22050 Wanted
- Event 22060 Life Without Parole
- Event 22070 Debtors Prison
- Event 22080 Capital Punishment
- Event 44000 Leper Colony Founded in Hawaii
- Event 60000 Country Becomes Communist Dictatorship
- Event 60010 Country Becomes Military Dictatorship
- Event 60020 Country Becomes Radical Dictatorship
- Event 60030 Country Becomes Fascist Dictatorship
- Event 60040 Country Becomes Absolute Monarchy
- Event 60050 Country Becomes Constitutional Republic
- Event 60060 Country Becomes Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
- Event 60070 Country Becomes Constitutional Monarchy
- Event 60080 Country Becomes Military Dictatorship
- Event 60090 Country Becomes Radical Dictatorship
- Event 60100 Country Becomes Communist Dictatorship
- Event 60110 Country Becomes Fascist Dictatorship
- Event 21500 Natural Disasters Lose 10 Life Rate and Gain -10% Population in Provence
- Event 21000 Diseases & Famines -4 Population in Provence
- Event 4435 Cultural Minority Genocide
- Event 4434 Religious Minority Genocide
- Event 14680 Requires Mission To Civilize invention and a colony
- Event 15260 Requires province to not have primary/accepted culture and can’t be a colony
- Event 15280 Requires the exact same as above, except national value is not a factor.
- Event 18500 All Population Lose 1 Militancy or Lose 1 Consciences and Gain 5.250 Prestige
- Event 18540 Lose 3 Infamy or 2 Infamy and Gain 5.250 Prestige “changes your national value”
- Event 18550 Gain 2 Militancy and 10.5 Prestige or Gain 1 Militancy
- Event 18510 Gain 8.400 Prestige
- Event 4402 30.00 Improve Relations with Neighbor and gain 5.250 Prestige
- Event 96150 Lowers the infamy to 25 and Gives 25 Prestige
- Event 18560 All Population Lose 1 Militancy or Lose 1 Consciences
- Event 18570 Gain 10 Prestige and Lose 1 Militancy or Gain 814.61 Research Points
- Event 4305 Provence Lose 2 Militancy
- Event 12060 Lose 1 War Exhaustion
- Event 18550 Gain 2 Militancy and 10.5 Prestige or Gain 1 Militancy
- Event 18560 All Population Lose 1 Militancy or Lose 1 Consciences
- Event 4402 30.00 Improve Relations with Neighbor and gain 5.250 Prestige
- Event 1100 Gold Rush
- Event 2000 Assimilation Troubles
- Event 60120 Annexation Event
- Event 60140 Political Reform Appointed
- Event 60107 GET them BACK in the kitchen Ends Women Suffrage
- Event 14680 Baby boom event (1% population growth or fast migration to colonies)
- Event 18530 Gain 1629.21 Research Points
- Event 18570 Gain 10 Prestige and Lose 1 Militancy or Gain 814.61 Research Points
- Event 19000 Great Power Rivalries
- Event 19500 Boer War Gain casus belli on Zulu
- Event 4400 Trade Policy Rich and Middle or Middle and Lower Lose Militancy
- Event 4402 30.00 Improve Relations with Neighbor and gain 5.250 Prestige
- Event 5000 Introduce New Sport
- Event 10000 Liberal Revolutions Liberal Gain Militancy
- Event 13000 Enables Western Influence or Isolationism
- Event 14500 Colonial Uprisings
- Event 15000 Nationalist movements Public Meeting/Police Brutality
- Event 16000 American Civil War (only work if your are playing as USA)
- Event 17000 Suffragette Movements
- Event 22500 Economical Events Enables Stock Market Crash
- Event 23200 Exploration the Nile River
- Event 23400 Host the Olympics
- Event 23450 Win a Nobel Prize
- Event 29900 50% Increases of Farmers Efficiency
- Event 30000 Host the World Fairs
- Event 31100 The Discovery of Troy
- Event 31300 All Population Gain 1 Connectionism
- Event 33000 Open a Theater in Berlin
- Event 35000 British Monarchy House Splits
- Event 37700 Order Church Property Sold
- Event 18500 All Population Lose 1 Militancy or Lose 1 Consciences and Gain 5.250 Prestige
- Event 18510 Gain 8.400 Prestige
- Event 18530 Gain 1629.21 Research Points
- Event 18540 Lose 3 Infamy or 2 Infamy and Gain 5.250 Prestige “changes your national value”
- Event 19000 Great Power Rivalries
- Event 19500 Boer War Gain casus belli on Zulu
These are few cheat code commands which will most likely assistance you in setting up more prominent realms and have incredible gameplay in Victoria 2.