Many of the negative effects of vaping involve damage to the lungs. That includes one of the consequences it could not have heard.
bronchiolitis obliterans – is informally called “lung worker popcorn” or “popcorn lung” – and is a debilitating type of lung disease. Popcorn lung occurs as a result of healing in the bronchioles, small airways of the lungs. Healing itself it is caused by some kind of injury in the lungs, which in turn causes the airway to reduce, interfering with the air flow and making it difficult to breathe.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned the sale of certain electronic flavored cigarettes to minors.
Other causes and symptoms of lung cancer popcorn
Besides being caused by the inhalation of toxic fumes, including those containing diacetyl popcorn lung corn can come from several other things. One of the most common causes is an infection of a virus called adenovirus, according to the Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt University. Other diseases associated with popcorn corn lungs include influenza, parainfluenza, chicken pox, measles, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Mycoplasma (a bacterium), rheumatic diseases and other autoimmune responses. It can also result from drug reaction.
It may take weeks before symptoms of lung popcorn appear. The most common symptom is shortness of breath. Others include coughing, wheezing, fatigue and a crackling sound when breathing in.
Adolescents, and lung vaping popcorn: a toxic combination
The report of a Canadian teenager who experienced life-threatening bronchiolitis of using the e-cigarette, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, made the connection between vaping and popcorn lung. The case adds growing consensus among medical and regulatory experts flavoring electronic cigarettes are highly dangerous for young people and access to these devices should be regulated and restricted.
There are many troubling issues surrounding electronic cigarettes and those with particular flavor. On the one hand, they are very popular among teenagers. A study published in the November 2019 Pediatrics reported that adolescents who Vape using non-traditional flavors – fruit, sweets, desserts and buttery flavors, for example – are more likely to continue vaping, and inhale more by spray session and take Vape more inhalations those with traditional flavors. The vaping teenagers with traditional flavors are also more likely to continue the habit, the study found.
Concerns about e-cigs is speeding right along with the popularity of vaping among adolescents. For example, according to data from the National Survey of Youth Tobacco, the number of teens who reported having used electronic cigarettes in the last month rose 75 percent over a period of one year. The survey also found that about 20 percent of students in high school vaporizer.
A survey by The Wall Street Journal and Mercury Analytics found that nearly a third of teens Vape, and more than 50 percent of those who Vape do because they think it’s fun, enjoy the many flavors e-liquid non-traditional available and believe vaping can be part of a healthy lifestyle.
A major concern is that vaping can be a gateway to cigarette smoking. According to the Association for Drug Free Kids, a meta-analysis of six studies found that the risk of a teen smoking increased fourfold if the teen vaped in comparison wit