Digital marketing was born over 30 years ago. Then email had just reached the age of a college graduate, the first banner ads were launched, and the CRM industry was booming. All this contributed to the development and ramification of marketing, as the needs of business also changed. Today, there are over 40 different types of marketing. You may already be using some of them, but you have not even heard of others. Our guide focuses on the question of what are different types of marketing. We have made a selection of the most popular and demanded types of marketing for you. So to speak, universal directions that no business project can do without.
Table of Contents
Classic or traditional marketing
Traditional marketing is like a dinosaur among other species. This is the promotion of a brand, products, and services using all channels that emerged before the advent of the global Internet. Note that at the time when classical marketing was actively used, information was not widely available. For this reason, marketing tools such as newspapers, television, radio have taken advantage of outbound tactics. And this is print, TV advertising, banners, and advertising messages on the radio.
Outbound marketing
Among the other forms of marketing, this type is perhaps one of the most intrusive. This is an outbound ad that targets just about everyone. Its creators do not care if you wanted to get it or not. All available tools are used for its implementation. For print advertising – newspapers, magazines, brochures, catalogs, street banners; for TV advertising – half-hour ad units, shops on the couch; for telephone advertising – cold calls; for email advertising – mailings to users who do not always consent to the newsletter. This method relies on raising awareness of the population and therefore does not take into account any interests, needs, or desire to receive such content.
Inbound marketing
Inbound marketing is the opposite of outbound marketing. Most of the strategies for this type of promotion use email marketing. Customer acquisition is accomplished by creating valuable experiences. It, in turn, is realized with the help of high-quality and useful content. If the user is interested and makes a transition to the corporate website, he is included in an even closer interaction through chatting or email newsletters. The main goal of inbound marketing is to convince the customer of the lifetime value of the product you are selling. At the same time, he should not only believe in it but constantly feel satisfaction from the purchase. The second task is to create an image of an empathetic counselor who is always ready to help, give practical recommendations, and make the client’s life better and happier.
Digital Marketing
Many experts and marketing specialists, when asked what is the best type of marketing, answer digital. Not surprisingly, in fact, it demonstrates some of the highest rates of return on investment. This is the complete opposite of traditional marketing, and everything that has to do with digital technologies is used to implement it: search engines, social networks, email, websites, etc. A quality customer base is very important for this type of marketing. To get it, marketers often use an email address finder. Using such a tool, you can expand the list of users, and also be sure of their validity, as well as that mailing to such contacts will be more targeted, and therefore more effective.
Content Marketing
This type is a key inbound and digital marketing tool. Its main task is to transform a potential buyer into an active one by creating and distributing useful content to a specific audience. Tools such as social networks, blogs, visual and video content, e-books, webinars, etc. are used to implement it. To prepare valuable content, at least 3 components are needed: 1) identification of the client’s “pain points”, his needs and interests; 2) creating an editorial calendar to control the release of publications; 3) search and use of a special service that simplifies the placement of content.
Email Marketing
The personalized messages that are sent via email to interested subscribers is email marketing. The main goal is to build trusting and long-term relationships with clients. Content should work in two ways: increase user loyalty and attract new subscribers. Email marketing pays attention to all stages of the sales funnel, making the journey from a potential customer to the real one fast, comfortable, and, most importantly, voluntary.
What types of marketing should be considered for a business to grow?
Of course, there are many other types in the marketing methods list: account marketing, affiliate marketing, behavioral, subordinate, brand, global, drip marketing, etc. But for your business to work and earn money, you must start from the customer’s needs and pains. With this knowledge, you can choose the most effective way to solve them using one or another type of marketing. Most importantly, do not forget to clean up your customer base using a modern email validator. This is the only way to make your marketing strategy effective!