According to Ayurveda, our bodies create and store toxins if our digestion is not optimal. When food is not processed or eliminated, they are fermented within the colon and gut. Instead of being destroyed by the digestive tract, the toxins may enter our tissues, and over time, they can affect our overall health and wellbeing.
Externally, toxins present in our environment could be absorbed into our bodies. There are toxins everywhere in food products such as preservatives and water like fluoride and chlorine within the atmosphere as tiny particle sizes, and even in many cosmetics sold.
Anything that can be detrimental to your body can be considered toxin-like, including poisonous substances produced by plants, certain wildlife and pathogens, naturally found chemical compounds, synthetic artificial food, and production by-products that often pollute our surroundings.
Toxins are a result of poor food choices and bad lifestyle choices. They may result from smoking cigarettes or consuming harmful substances like alcohol or drugs and caffeine.
Our bodies have an inherent capability to flush out toxic substances naturally, provided that the organs and systems are in good health and functioning. If there’s any obstruction or disruption in the elimination channels in the body, such as lymphatic drainage, remedial massage and the flow of blood, digestive elimination, sweating, urination or sweating — the toxic substances are not correctly eliminated from tissues.
Suppose the toxins remain within the body longer than they are required. In that case, they could create inflammation in tissues and lead to various mental and physical symptoms like aching muscles and joints and digestive issues and skin conditions, lethargy, depression, anxiety and insomnia, to name some.
Table of Contents
What is Ayurvedic Detox?
Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic cellular cleansing method that removes toxic waste from tissues and flushes them out in the alimentary canal. It’s the ultimate mind-body cleansing experience that cleanses your body, strengthening your immune system and restoring balance and wellbeing and boosting the body’s natural capacity to recover itself.
Panchakarma is a practice that has been utilized for hundreds of decades by ayurvedic practitioners across India. At Sunshine Ayurveda wellness Centre Our Ayurveda Practitioner, Ram Mani Bhandari, has been through specialized training in panchakarma in the most renowned wellness centres of Ayurveda across Nepal and India. He is excited to share his expertise and knowledge in the Australian community so that you can benefit from this ancient technique for curing ailments and improving wellbeing and health.
When is the best time to do a natural DETOX?
Ayurveda recommends that you do the detox every time they experience a seasonal change. The time of change associated with the seasons is a great time to cleanse the body, boost digestion and enhance the metabolism processes.
A year, four times may be too much for many individuals. However, the indications to detoxify are those who feel out of balance, are experiencing any mental or physical distress or know it’s time to tune-up’.