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Ecommerce Marketing Tips
Today, entrepreneurs are often very busy with how high they rank in Google and how they can attract as many visitors to the website as possible. Now ask yourself the following question: what good is more website visitors if not converting to customers?
E-commerce Marketing Tips & optimization should be the primary focus of all webshops that invest time and money in attracting more visitors to their website. The fact is that even the smallest adjustments to your e-commerce pages can lead to a significant increase in conversions to sales. You will understand this more when you discuss this with any reputed E-commerce marketing agency.
To give you a hand, we have listed 5 Tips for eCommerce business growth to increase the conversions of your webshop. Let’s start at the beginning and consider what e-commerce is and how it works.
What is Ecommerce Optimization?
E-commerce optimization is defined as a system-wide improvement of your webshop so that all focus is placed on facilitating better and faster sales. On average, the conversion rate of webshops is between 1-3%. This depends, among other things, on the industry in which the company is active.
You can calculate your conversion rate as follows:
Formula: (Number of conversions/number of clicks) x 100
So, if you have 5,000 visitors on your site and 50 of those people make a purchase, your conversion is (50 / 5,000) * 100 = 1%. Your goal, of course, is to increase your conversion rate in any way. And that is exactly where e-commerce optimization comes into play.
Top & Best Effective Ecommerce Optimization Tips
Here are 5 growth tips for eCommerce marketing sales funnel optimization tips to increase your company’s conversions.
- Use good quality product photos: The first step to boosting your sales is to focus on proven eCommerce SEO Services & techniques. A picture paints a thousand words. Nearly 70% of consumers indicate that the quality of product photos is a major factor when selecting a product and deciding whether or not to buy that product.Another but more expensive solution is to develop 3D images that can be rotated 720 °. In this way, you offer your potential customer the opportunity to view your products from all sides, something that the competition probably does not. Your product photos must make your product irresistible! If you are not able to do this yourself, call in a professional photographer!
- Put all specifications in the product description: Beautiful product photos can make your products more attractive, but ultimately a potential customer also wants answers to the questions he wants to have answered in order to make an informed choice for a product.When writing product descriptions, you want to describe as many specifications as possible. With this, you answer all questions that a potential customer can have and as a bonus, this also helps for findability in search engines!Sometimes you only find out what specifications to add until a visitor asks for it. Therefore, make sure that you update the product specifications and descriptions regularly so that your visitors can always find the information they want.
- Use reviews and ratings: E-commerce conversion optimization is not a one-off action. It is an ongoing process that is constantly evolving. The preferences of your potential customers may change over time, which you then have to respond to. By paying attention to the behavior, opinion, and sentiment of your e-commerce customers, you can keep track of the wishes of your target group.Read reviews written about your company regularly. Create Google Alerts with Digital Marketing Services so that you receive a notification when your company is listed somewhere. Customer reviews, good or bad, can lead to valuable changes in growth. Positive reviews let you know what you are doing well, while negative reviews let you know what you can improve.Another strong SEO Services Company tactic is to ensure that your reviews are shown on your website. In this way, you offer your visitors the social confirmation they need to purchase your products and boost your conversion optimization.
- Make sure your CTA is above the “fold” of your product page: A rule of thumb when developing web pages is that visitors should scroll or swipe as little as possible to find what they are looking for. The same goes for call-to-action buttons. Potential customers should never wonder how to buy a product. To make buying from your webshop as easy as possible, place your CTA buttons above the “fold” (above the fold is all that is displayed without scrolling).
- Show the delivery conditions clearly: Your visitors are nowadays too demanding to accept that the delivery conditions are only made clear at the last minute. Before they want to put something in their shopping cart, they want to know exactly what they have to pay in total… that includes shipping and return costs.If you do not provide this information in time, you run the risk of your visitors going to your competitor who will clearly inform you about this. So make sure that the delivery conditions are communicated as early as possible in the buying process.If you are dealing with specifications such as weight, size, etc. in order to determine what the customer must pay for the delivery, make sure that this becomes clear when the visitor selects a product.
The first step to improving your e-commerce conversion rate is to take a fresh look at your webshop. View your design, product images, product descriptions, and all other elements from the perspective of a new visitor to the website. Implement these marketing tips for eCommerce business conversion optimization tips to improve your webshop step by step.