More than likely you’ve heard the false claim that we only have an eight-second attention span — less than goldfish.
While we do have an attention span longer than goldfish, it doesn’t last forever. No doubt you have sat through many compliance training courses in your career. Can you remember a time when you checked out during a training lecture just to snap back in when you remember there’s a test on the information?
This is a clear sign that the creators of those courses didn’t follow these top 5 compliance training tips. Are you putting together a compliance training course?
Keep reading to find the difference between ordinary and extraordinary — that little extra that you might be missing.
Table of Contents
1. Start From the Top: Train Senior Management First
While a trickle-down economic theory is still under debate, it’s clear that company culture starts at the top. So does following company rules and compliance training.
Aside from being legally informed on many safety subjects like COVID compliance officer training, HIPAA compliance training, or OSHA compliance training, other corporate compliance training courses are needed too.
Sexual harassment, discrimination and equality training, and more will save the company and senior management from blows affecting reputation and legal exposure.
2. Losing on Technicalities: Take the Moral High Ground
Speaking of legal exposure and reputation, winning a debate based on technicalities won’t win you reputation points.
If in doubt, try to take a moral high ground. History and the law will more than likely be on your side. 56% of US consumers sever relationships with companies they consider to be unethical.
The same report shows that 35% stop buying from a brand, even if they don’t have a substitute. Powerful incentives to stay on a moral high-road, don’t you think?
Instill that in courses and in top management and your trainees will follow.
3. Keep Training Sessions Short
While our goldfish example shows we have more than 8 seconds to hold onto attention, you only have about 15 minutes to keep it.
Not only does 15 minutes give an employee a bit of a “break” from normal day to day work, but they also will be able to focus on the task for the whole length. More than that would actually prove to be disruptive to normal company workflows.
4. Put Emphasis on Applying What They Learn
Giving knowledge is great, but knowledge without teaching how to use it shows a lack of wisdom.
After all, our computers, phones, and AI are quite knowledgeable. Far more so than we are, actually. However, despite all that knowledge, they look for our input to get things done.
Rather than trying to make your employees walking encyclopedias alone, make them experts in the areas of compliance that are relevant to their work. Whether that compliance training is OSHA, COVID, or HIPAA
5. Keep a Reasonable Schedule for Compliance Training
Keeping your employees (and yourself) on an ongoing compliance training regime is probably going to be your best bet. Especially if you’re keeping sessions short, daily compliance training will make your employees compliance experts.
With knowledge and application checkpoints along the way — please, don’t only do multiple choice — you’ll create a culture of compliance. All this without bogging the company down in endless lists of rules.
Having milestones that they can reach and also meet state, federal, or regulatory body requirements will keep the company away from compliance training fatigue.
Compliance Training: Our Top Tips
Compliance training can certainly be a drag if it isn’t done right. Fortunately, Entrepreneurs Break has you covered with compliance training advice that works for any business in any age.
Want to know what other tips we have up our sleeves? Keep browsing our business and tech news to find out.