As the semester ends the excitement of going back home takes over everything but as soon as you start packing, you find yourself in a fix as you never expected things to be so messy. At this point in time, you would be busier than ever before. Add on to that the pressure of leaving students accommodation in a given timeline will add on to your anxiety. Moving undoubtedly is very stressful but you can always make it hassle-free with proper planning and execution. From making a moving checklist to hiring affordable movers, there are a lot of ways to make your move efficient.
To make it even better for you, here we have come up with certain tips that can help you to move out of the dorm without any hassle:
- Prepare yourself: First of all, you need to make yourself calm, don’t stress yourself over the things which are yet to be done. Rather focus on how to do all these things in the given timeline. The best way to start is to write down everything that has to be done before you leave the college dorm. This exercise will ensure that you don’t forget anything and complete everything on time.
- Enquire: Before you pack anything enquire from the authorities that whether you need to vacate the entire room before next semester or you can keep some of your things behind. Usually, students are asked to vacate the room completely as they are assigned new rooms once they rejoin after their semester break.
- Look for the storage place: In case you have to vacate the room completely, then the best way is to find the storage place for all such things that you may need only after semester break gets over. This may include your kitchen supplies, toiletries, books, some of your clothes etc. There is no point in adding unnecessary baggage while going home. But before you start looking for storage place outside your campus, you must enquire with the college authorities if they have any such provision. However, if there is no such facility in your college then try partnering with your friend while renting storage place else you may end up paying a lot. Make sure to research well before you lock the deal with any storage place.
- Packing: While packing try making three piles, one pile for the things which you need to take along. The second pile for the things which you need to keep at the storage place and the third pile for the things that you dont need anymore. You can either donate this third pile or you can throw the same if the condition is not right.
- Tide up the place: Once you are done with all the packing, it is your responsibility to tide up the entire place. Sweep and properly vacuum the room and collect all the garbage in the bag to be thrown away in the trash. Not only this, remove the stains from the wall. Try leaving the room the way you found it, not only it will leave a good impression but you never know that you only get to stay in the same room again.
- Check everything before you leave: Once everything is done, make sure that you do last minute check to ensure that you don’t leave anything behind. Give a quick look to the entire room including drawers, under the bed, cupboards and even the washroom for anything that you could have missed.
Once you are ready to leave, make sure to switch off the lights, give a glance to your room and bid goodbye to the place where you have made many memories with your friends.