Everybody wants to know how they can save money. While using air conditioners, we have many ways to reduce electricity bills.
When we buy an AC we have to make sure to buy a high-efficiency AC. You can reduce electricity costs by sealing your windows and reducing air leaks. Seal window saves your room cool air and it saves your money. And if you don’t use a sealed window it is hard to cool your room for an air conditioner, since it will have to continuously cool air while you’re losing it through the cracks. So using a sealed window is the best way to reduce electricity costs.
But there are plenty of other ways to lower your air conditioning bill, and make your home more comfortable throughout the hot summer months. Here are three of our favorite ways to lower your cooling bills.
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Using ceiling fans
The ceiling fan circulates fresh air from outside. And it reduces some of the burdens from the air conditioner. you have to make sure your ceiling fans are turning counter clockwise during summer. If ceiling fans and an air conditioner will work together then it can reduce the 10% to 20% electric bill. As we know that there is a difference between fans and air conditioners, fans don’t cool air. It makes the room feel cool and fresh. It only removes sticky and hot air. If we will use ceiling fans and air conditioners at the same time it will save your air conditioner bills. Low budget ceiling fans are not only an affordable emulation but will also prove to be a great associate to your air conditioner.
Using air conditioner according to room house size
You have to make sure when you buy an air conditioner you make sure to buy it according to the cooling area that way you can save your air conditioner costs. If your cooling area is 100 sq. feet, the basic required air conditioner will be 0.167 tons. So the normal formula to know the basic required air conditioner – so you need to find out your room area then divide it into 600 per foot. It will help you to choose the right air conditioner according to your desired space. And it will also reduce your electricity bills. So it is important to choose the right Air conditioner according to your area and it will save your money. And this also saves energy so it is necessary to use the right air conditioner. And there is another method to choose the right air conditioner, It is BTU ( British Thermal Unit ) technique. An air conditioner normally needs 20 BTU per sq. feet of cooling area.
Using a whole house fan
Whole house fans have made a comeback in recent years, and rightfully so. With the flick of a switch, a whole house fan can suck up all of the hot air in your home through an attic duct, expelling it outside within only a few minutes. The whole house fan can cool your entire house faster than an air conditioner, and they’re much less expensive too. Installing a whole house fan can save up to 90% of your electricity bills. If you use a whole house fan before an air conditioner it will take less time to cool your house. And it will also save your air conditioner bills.
An air conditioner is a great way to cool your living area in summer, but it’s not perfect. An air conditioner and a whole house fan work the same but a whole house fan can cool your room according to outside temperature but an air conditioner can cool your room or house more than outside temperature. And make sure you do not use the whole house fan and air conditioner at the same time because if you use both at the same time so cool air will be thrown out and it is hard to cool the living space area.