Let me give a brief warning first, and if you still want to start a business after reading this introduction, then you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
I am of the minority group of thinkers that believe entrepreneurs cannot be trained; they must be born or forged from deep pain. However, I do admit that one can learn the skills of an entrepreneur and dominate any sector.
These two statements seem contradictory, even paradoxical, but it is neither. Concisely, anyone can learn anything with the right skills and persistence, but those who dominate must be born that way.
In my humble opinion, what is the point of doing something if you are not going to dominate all in your sector? I cannot relate to second place. This is not second place content. I am not a second-place person. I do not have second place energy.
Here are a few reasons you should not finish reading this and why you should invest, or start a micro-business without employees, or keep your job.
Table of Contents
Why You Should Not Start A Business
- Starting a business is like having a baby. You can not part-time have a baby or part-time raise one into a self-autonomous adult. Your baby will cost you a significant amount of money. Your baby will completely interrupt your life— even though your baby is a blessing.
- People will abandon you. They will doubt you. They will betray you. Starting a business will force you to make decisions that will not be popular.
- When you fail, you can only fail publicly. Entrepreneurs don’t have the luxury of failing quietly. We fail for all to see.
- If you can last ten times longer than even you thought it would take, and if you can make or raise 100 times more money than you ever thought you needed, then you just may become successful.
If I haven’t scared you away with these four warnings, if you are one of those crazy people that became excited while reading, then the next five things are for you.
The Five Business Moves I Made And The Only Ones You Need To Remember— Ever.
I spend nearly a third of my life homeless, probably more than that, but I’d prefer not to calculate it. But while homeless, I began doing these five things without even knowing it. I should write a book about them because the world needs to know. These five business moves are:
The Five Business Moves That Made Me Rich
- Get Attention
- Congregation
- Follow Their Attention
- Jump In Front of That Attention
- Close The Sale
1.Get Attention
Concerning “Getting Attention,” this is the most important thing you must do. It is also not a simple thing to do. It goes without saying that if no one knows who you are, you cannot sell to them. Both Presidents, Barack Obama, in 2008, and Donald Trump, in 2016, won their respective elections by getting the most attention. Sure, a great deal of money was spent and raised, but it was not just the money. Both of these gentlemen understand how to get free attention. Wherever there is attention, the money will follow. Attention can always be monetized. Obscurity cannot.
Let’s borrow the word “congregation” from religious circles to make our point here. I define a congregation as a group of people who should have nothing in common but then get in common, based around a set of ideas and beliefs. Once these people come together around agreed-upon ideas and beliefs, they will freely give to that congregation. Economically speaking, this is where you start building your economy once you find your community of people that center themselves around your product’s ideas and beliefs. Do not rush past this step. Building a congregation is the most critical step, and those who do spend a considerable amount of time in this step become extremely unprofitable and tend to go out of business.
3.Follow Their Attention
This step is equally as important as the last. It is not enough to create your community or tap into someone else’s; you must know what they are paying attention to and why. Strike conversations with all of these people. Read the one and two-star reviews they leave on your competitor’s products. Read all the viral and non-viral social media comments and see what they are saying. Pay very close attention to what makes them happy and even closer attention to what angers them. Once you have done these things, do it some more, and some more, and some more. You need to become a savant at what your congregation is thinking. You need to know what they want before they want it, and know-how they will react to something before it even occurs. Once you have done this, you will have become a master of the attention of your congregation. When this happens, move to step four.
4.Jump In Front of That Attention
Now that you know what they have been paying attention to, it is your duty and moral obligation to create a solution or distraction to their attention. Humans only do two things in life. They run towards pleasure or run from pain. This concept is called the Pleasure Principle. The Pleasure Principle is originally used by Sigmund Freud to characterize people’s tendency to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Freud argued that people would sometimes go to great lengths to prevent even momentary pain, particularly at times of psychological weakness or vulnerability. Therefore, as a business person, build products or services that become the pleasure to people’s attention. Or, moves that from the pain of their attention and distracts them from the pain. If you want to be successful in business, you need the “solution or the distraction.” Amazon is a billion-dollar company because it is a solution to so many people. Netflix is a billion-dollar company because it is a distraction for so many people. You will invent what they need because you followed their attention in step three. You will be noticed, and maybe even respected because you gained attention in step one, but it is step five in which you will make all your money and begin creating wealth.
5.Close The Sale
None of this matters, my friends, if you do not close the sale. It would be wise to learn how to start winning friends and influencing people— pun intended. It would be wiser to learn how to become a master of communication, and the wisest thing you can do here is to learn how to overcome objections. If you don’t learn how to close the sale at the end of the day, someone who is not you will close the sale. If you can’t master this step, then hire the person who will close the sale. Sales funnels work exceptionally well here. With sales funnels, or the complete steps one through five, you don’t have to have your own product, you can sell someone else’s product.
There you have it. Following these five steps is how I became who I am. I did not read any of this in a book. It was just a set of steps I picked up along the way. I am now sharing my secrets with you. If you got this far, text me directly on my cell at 409-500-1546. Texting the name of the article would help me identify you quickly.
Antonio T Smith Jr
+1-409-500-1546 (text)