Receding gums is one of the most common dental conditions in existence, affecting 88% of people over the age of 65. Sometimes, it doesn’t even matter what you do; your gums can still recede.
For this reason, it’s important that you understand the signs of receding gums. Curious as to what they are? We’re going to cover them in detail below!
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Gum Recession Signs
There are a number of signs that indicate gum recession. Some of these are obvious, and some of these are a little less obvious. We’ll discuss them all below.
Missing Gum Tissue
The most obvious sign of gum recession is missing gum tissue. If the area above your top teeth or below your bottom teeth has gotten smaller, you are almost certainly experiencing gum recession.
In its infancy, this is not a major problem. However, over time, it can grow worse. At some point, you could even start to cause pain.
Bleeding After Brushing
Another common sign of receding gums is bleeding after brushing. If blood starts to leak out from the areas between your teeth during your brushing sessions, you are almost certainly experiencing gum recession on some level.
Gum Pain
Pain can also be a symptom of receding gums, particularly in the later stages. The more the gums recede, the more the root of the tooth becomes exposed. The more the root of the tooth becomes exposed, the more sensitive it will become, and the more pain you’ll feel.
This pain will start in the area around the gum line. However, over time, it will spread throughout the rest of your mouth.
Wobbly Teeth
In the late stages of gum recession, teeth can actually start loosening up. This is because they don’t have enough gum tissue to stabilize themselves.
When this occurs, the teeth will have a wobbly feeling to them. In fact, you might even be able to push them back and forth with your tongue.
Red Gums
Gum recession is commonly associated with inflammation. When inflammation comes into the picture, the gums generally start to take on a red appearance. They might become swollen as well.
Halitosis or, as it’s more commonly known, bad breath, is another sign of receding gums. See, when the gums recede, they leave little pockets in which food particles can get trapped. Should these particles become trapped, they could attract bacteria, leading to disturbing and foul odor.
If you’re dealing with this problem, you’re advised to brush often. Make sure that you’re brushing in an up and down motion, as it’s the only way to ensure that food particles are being removed from the affected areas.
Why Are My Gums Receding?
Now, you might be wondering: why are my gums receding? What are the most common causes of gum recession? We’ll review them below.
You’re Brushing Too Hard
One of the most common causes of gum recession is brushing too hard. If you drag your toothbrush over your gums with reckless abandon, you can bet your bottom dollar that they’ll eventually start to recede. The gums are fairly fragile and need to be treated with care.
When brushing, make sure not to apply any major force. Hold the brush gently in your hand and move it in small, circular motions.
You’re Suffering From Gingivitis
Another common cause of gum recession is gingivitis or gum disease. This arises due to a lack of oral health care. If you’re not brushing and flossing regularly, you will eventually have to deal with this problem.
Make sure to brush at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. Consider using mouthwash as well.
You’re Clenching
Do you clench or grind your teeth either while sleeping or awake? If so, you could be doing damage to your gums. See, clenching puts pressure on the gums, causing them to deteriorate before their time. Before you know it, you could be dealing with a full-blown recession.
You’re Aging
As the body gets older, it starts to fall apart. It’s a sad reality of life that can’t be avoided. In many individuals, the gums are along for the ride.
That’s right, the simple act of aging can cause your gums to recede. This typically starts to occur around the age of 40.
Treatments for Gum Recession
Fortunately, there are some treatments available to help deal with gum recession. They include:
Regular Brushing and Flossing
Generally speaking, once gum tissue is gone, it can’t grow back (at least not naturally). However, that doesn’t mean you can’t take measures to maintain the existing tissue. The key is to brush and floss regularly.
The more you can keep bacteria out of the crevices around your teeth, the less decay your teeth and gums will suffer over time. And the less decay your teeth and gums suffer, the less your gums will recede.
Gum Grafts
In the most severe cases, gum grafts might be needed. A gum graft procedure involves removing healthy gum tissue from the roof of the mouth and placing it over receding gum areas. Over time, it will fuse with surrounding gum tissue, thereby eliminating the recession entirely. Get a consultation on gum surgery by the general dentist in concord now.
Essential Oils
If you’re dealing with only minor gum recession, you might be able to benefit from the use of essential oils. Using essential oils for receding gums has proven successful in more than a few individuals, aiding in the growth of gum tissue and the resistance of harmful bacteria.
Look Out for These Signs of Receding Gums
And there they are, the signs of receding gums. Make sure to keep an eye out for them, and act quickly as soon as they arise. If you treat this problem early enough in its existence, you can avoid major issues.
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