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The Unspoken Rules of Coding for Both Novice and Sage Developers

The Unspoken Rules of Coding for Both Novice and Sage Developers

In the world of programming, coding is often regarded as both an art and a science. Developers, whether they are novices just learning their first programming language or seasoned veterans with years of experience, all adhere to certain principles that guide their work. However, beyond the syntax and logic of code, there exist unspoken rules that all developers—novice and sage alike—should follow. These rules, though not officially part of any programming curriculum, are integral to the creation of clean, efficient, and maintainable code.

In this article, we’ll explore the unspoken rules of coding that developers should understand to thrive in this ever-evolving field.

1. Understand the Problem Before You Write Code

One of the most important rules that novice developers often overlook is the need to thoroughly understand the problem before they start coding. It’s tempting to jump straight into writing code, especially when you’re excited about a new project or feature. However, diving in without a clear understanding of the problem can lead to frustration, wasted time, and code that doesn’t work as intended.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Read the requirements carefully: If you’re working from a project specification, take the time to read it thoroughly. Ensure that you understand the end goal and what the code is supposed to accomplish.
  • Break down the problem: For complex problems, break them down into smaller, manageable parts. This will help you approach the solution in a structured way.
  • Ask clarifying questions: If anything is unclear, don’t hesitate to ask questions. It’s better to clarify uncertainties before starting than to backtrack later.

2. Keep It Simple (KISS)

The “Keep It Simple, Stupid” (KISS) principle is one of the most critical unspoken rules in coding. While complex algorithms and structures may seem impressive, they often lead to difficult-to-maintain code. Simple solutions are usually more robust and easier to debug.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Avoid over-engineering: Don’t add unnecessary complexity. If a problem can be solved with a few lines of simple code, avoid turning it into an elaborate system.
  • Use clear and straightforward logic: Choose the most direct way to solve the problem, even if it feels less “sophisticated.”
  • Refactor when necessary: If your code starts becoming too convoluted, consider refactoring to simplify it.

3. Write Code for Humans, Not Just Machines

While machines are the ultimate executors of code, it’s humans—other developers—who will read and maintain your code in the future. Writing code that is easy to understand is just as important as writing code that works.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Use meaningful variable names: Instead of using cryptic single-letter variables, opt for names that describe the data they hold or the role they play in the program (e.g., totalRevenue instead of x).
  • Comment wisely: Add comments to explain why certain decisions were made or to clarify complex sections of code, but avoid over-commenting, which can clutter the code.
  • Follow consistent naming conventions: Adhere to language-specific naming conventions (e.g., camelCase in JavaScript, snake_case in Python) to improve readability.

4. Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

As a developer, it’s essential to leverage existing tools, libraries, and frameworks when possible. Writing everything from scratch is rarely necessary, and doing so can waste time and introduce unnecessary complexity.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Use libraries and frameworks: Many problems have already been solved by others, and libraries exist to make your work easier. Make use of them where appropriate.
  • Contribute to open source: If you find a library that almost does what you need, consider contributing to it instead of creating your own version from scratch.
  • Trust standard practices: When in doubt, rely on well-established industry standards and best practices.

5. Test Early and Test Often

Testing is an essential part of coding, but many developers—especially novices—tend to delay testing until the end of a project. This is a risky approach, as it makes bugs and issues harder to identify and fix. Instead, testing should be an integral part of your development process.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Write unit tests: Unit tests help ensure that individual parts of your code work as expected. Writing them alongside your code can prevent issues from accumulating.
  • Use automated testing tools: Automate testing as much as possible to save time and reduce the risk of human error.
  • Test edge cases: Don’t just test the “happy path.” Consider edge cases and unexpected inputs to make your code more robust.

6. Refactor Regularly

Even the best-written code can become messy over time as features are added, bugs are fixed, and performance is optimized. Refactoring—cleaning up code without changing its functionality—should be a regular part of your development process.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Schedule time for refactoring: After major changes or additions, take the time to revisit your code and refactor it for clarity and efficiency.
  • Remove duplication: Duplicate code is a sign that refactoring is needed. Extract repetitive logic into functions or classes to improve maintainability.
  • Prioritize readability: During refactoring, prioritize making the code more readable and organized, even if the performance gains are minimal.

7. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

The tech industry sometimes glamorizes the idea of the lone coder solving complex problems in isolation. However, real-world development is collaborative, and even experienced developers rely on the knowledge and expertise of others.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Ask questions: Whether it’s through forums, Stack Overflow, or colleagues, don’t hesitate to ask for help when you’re stuck.
  • Participate in code reviews: Code reviews are an opportunity to learn from others and gain valuable feedback on your work.
  • Learn from open-source projects: Explore open-source repositories to see how experienced developers structure their code and solve problems.

8. Document Your Code

Code documentation is often an afterthought, especially for novice developers. However, well-documented code is a gift to your future self and to any other developers who may need to maintain or extend your code.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Create clear README files: Provide an overview of your project, its purpose, and instructions for how to run it. This is especially important for open-source projects.
  • Document public APIs: If your code includes public APIs or modules, make sure they are well-documented with examples of how to use them.
  • Keep documentation up-to-date: Documentation is only useful if it accurately reflects the current state of the code, so be sure to update it whenever the code changes.

9. Embrace Version Control

Version control is a fundamental tool for both novice and experienced developers. It allows you to track changes in your codebase, collaborate with others, and roll back changes if something goes wrong.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Use Git or another version control system: Even for small personal projects, version control can be invaluable in keeping track of changes.
  • Commit often: Make small, frequent commits with clear messages that describe the changes you’ve made.
  • Branch wisely: Use branches to separate features, bug fixes, or experiments, and merge them back into the main branch once they’re complete and tested.

10. Be Open to Feedback

No code is perfect, and every developer can improve. Being open to feedback from peers, supervisors, and the broader developer community is crucial to your growth as a coder.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Take code reviews seriously: Code reviews should not be seen as a criticism but as an opportunity to learn and improve.
  • Accept constructive criticism: Not all feedback will be positive, but constructive criticism is vital to improving your skills.
  • Always strive to improve: Coding is a continuous learning process. Stay humble and keep seeking ways to refine your craft.

11. Plan for Scalability and Future Maintenance

One of the biggest challenges developers face is ensuring that their code can scale and be maintained over time. While novice developers may be focused on getting something to work, seasoned developers know that maintainability and scalability are just as important.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Write modular code: Break your code into small, reusable modules that can be easily maintained and extended.
  • Think long-term: Consider how your code will behave as the project grows. Will it be easy to add new features? Can it handle more data or users without breaking?
  • Anticipate changes: Code that is easy to modify or extend will save you time and effort down the road.

12. Be Patient and Persistent

Lastly, coding can be frustrating, especially for beginners. There will be times when nothing seems to work, and progress feels slow. However, persistence and patience are key to becoming a better developer.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Take breaks: When you’re stuck on a problem, sometimes stepping away for a while can help you see the solution more clearly.
  • Keep learning: Programming languages, tools, and frameworks are constantly evolving. Dedicate time to learning new technologies and staying updated on best practices.
  • Celebrate small wins: Every time you solve a bug or complete a feature, take a moment to appreciate your progress.


The unspoken rules of coding aren’t just about writing syntactically correct code; they’re about developing habits that lead to better, more maintainable, and scalable code. Whether you’re a novice just starting your coding journey or a seasoned developer with years of experience, these principles will help guide you toward becoming a more efficient and effective programmer. By understanding and applying these rules, you’ll not only improve the quality of your code but also foster better collaboration, enhance productivity, and create more sustainable software solutions.

In the end, coding is more than just writing lines of code—it’s about problem-solving, communication, and continuous learning.



Ethan is the founder, owner, and CEO of EntrepreneursBreak, a leading online resource for entrepreneurs and small business owners. With over a decade of experience in business and entrepreneurship, Ethan is passionate about helping others achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

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