Tiny houses are only increasing in popularity, which means tiny house builders are in continuous demand. This boom in a niche market is undoubtedly a great opportunity, but you can’t forget about the details. There are several formalities to go through with any transaction, but one you may have forgotten about is background checks.
Before hiring workers to build your tiny houses, you need to know who is working for you. This knowledge and the certainty that it permits is the benefit of background checks. Listed below are some of the key reasons you need to perform background checks on any workers you hire. Once we finish, you’ll never put off the screening process again!
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Saves Time
In business, time is money, so if a company can cut down the time they spend on the hiring process, they will seize the opportunity.
How long does a background check take? In short, a lot less time than it takes to rehire all your staff. A more specific answer would be between 1-2 weeks, depending on the complexity of the screening process you select. Some only take a few days!
By performing your due diligence during the recruitment process, you can rest assured the applicant is genuine. It may seem unbelievable, but as many as 78% of job seekers lie during the hiring process. From that perspective, it’s easy to see why background checks are necessary.
Improves Quality of Staff
The quality of any building relies entirely on the skills of the builders. With that in mind, you need to be entirely sure you are hiring the right people.
There are job requirements in place for a reason. If an applicant lacks the qualifications for that position, their incompetence can lead to complications down the line for both employers and colleagues alike.
For instance, employee training is often the responsibility of managers or colleagues. If you have an entirely unqualified new employee, this will complicate the process and make it incredibly frustrating. Without the proper quality checks in place, a company may drive away its most proficient employees.
Keeps Your Workplace Safe
There are numerous reasons why an individual may lie on their application. It could be out of desperation. It could also simply be a case of trying to get a foot in the door. Sometimes applicants will lie to prevent ageism in the workplace. However, not all motivations are quite so innocent, which is where background checks find their value.
This vetting process is critical within industries that often work with children or the vulnerable, such as schools or hospitals. In the case of tiny homes, your team may be around families.
Background checks work to highlight previous convictions, sometimes across states. Employers need reassurance that the staff they hire don’t have a history of violent offenses and that they are who they say they are.
Reduces Future Costs
Background checks carry their costs, but they’re nothing compared to what your business could face if you hire the wrong person. If your contractors throw up a tiny house without due care, the structural integrity could be at risk. A shoddy job will leave your customers deeply dissatisfied and your reputation permanently damaged.
In addition to this, insurance premiums will increase following an incident at work. If you hire a contractor who cannot handle the necessary machinery or tools, an accident could be imminent. High staff turnover is a financial nightmare. Background checks can help prevent this.
Background Checks are a Professional Necessity
Hiring new builders can be a lengthy process. It can feel like you want to get started as soon as possible. However, background checks are necessary, and they demonstrate that a business cares about its employees. Have patience. Your customers, and your reputation, will thank you!