Digital marketing can’t be considered complete without video marketing content. Video reigns supreme – not only is it dynamic and engaging, but it’s also much easier and more affordable to create than you might think.
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The benefits of video marketing
In the past few years, consumers’ video marketing consumption has exploded. In fact, in 2020, 96% of consumers increased the number of videos they watched on the Internet. Now, more than ever, videos are the most popular way to consume digital content. Videos function as a primary reference for consumers determining whether to purchase a new service or product. What’s more, viewers tend to remember almost all of the messages shown through video. When shown the same message through text, they tend to remember about 10% of it. In other words, videos are an incredibly effective way for businesses to market their products and services.
1. Engaging
Video marketing content is more entertaining, versatile, and informative than many other types of digital marketing content, such as infographics and still images. While all content has its place, video soars high when it comes to helping businesses sell and brand. It is more interactive than most other forms of content.
2. Visibility
Additionally, video stays visible in social media feeds for a longer period of time than other forms of digital content. It also increases the amount of time that consumers spend on your page and lowers their likelihood to quickly exit your company’s page. Yet it packs its punch more quickly and efficiently than other forms of marketing. Video marketing boosts engagement across a wide range of digital channels as well as social media platforms. It is, in essence, diverse yet accessible enough to reach a multitude of potential buyers.
3. Cost-effective
Think that producing video marketing content costs far too much money to prove a worthy investment? Video actually provides a particularly excellent ROI, and they attract 300% more web traffic. These days, it can be incredibly cost-effective with the ways that technology has become affordable and easy to use. In fact, studies have shown that consumers are much more impressed by the caliber of the video content than the video production quality. Shoot a simple video with a smartphone and edit with one of the many available, low-cost software programs available today.
As if the above weren’t compelling evidence enough to begin strategizing your company’s new video marketing plan, consider the fact that video is ideal for search engine optimization. Video frequently ranks higher in search engines, and Google includes relevant videos at the top of the page for almost all search terms.
The main types of video marketing
There are many different types of content that businesses can use to market their brand or company. Rather than attempting to cover too large a demographic or create too universal and generally appealing content, concentrate on producing specific videos for specific audiences.
Most video marketing content falls into one of six different types of categories:
1. Educational/explanatory videos:
These are instructional videos that show the consumer how to do something, whether it is how to use a product, how to utilize a skill or simply show an abstract concept. They can also help teach about customer service activities or add an instructional component.
2. Product reviews and demo videos
Demo videos are particularly useful when it comes to showing consumers how to use a particular product.
3. Testimonials
Testimonials show potential buyers just how great your product or service really is. Videos from previous buyers are a powerful tool for marketing your product.
Genuine testimonials from satisfied customers are a fantastic way to show potential buyers just how great your company’s product is.
4. Interviews
Interviews can spotlight a special guest or a particular account from a relevant figure to your company. And remember that audio from interviews can always be recycled and remixed for other purposes. You could even transcribe interviews. Transcripts can increase a video’s searchability and accessibility.
5. Commercials
Commercials are the most common type of video marketing content. It’s the majority of what we encounter when we consume video marketing content. They often depict a compelling scene. They also have some sort of storyline or tagline. They’ll center around some sort of prompt or persuasion.
6. Social media content
Social media content is a relatively new form of video marketing that is designed and curated around specific social media channels. It is often fun, lively, more casual, and more personal than other forms of digital marketing. Many times, it will invite viewers and consumers to interact in some way.
Implementing a video marketing plan and distributing it
It’s critical that you know the most relevant and effective video distribution channels for your business. Understanding which channels are optimal—and which aren’t—can greatly improve your business’s traffic and help you find the right target audience for your content.
You don’t just want to create the right video; you want your content to be seen by the right people, in the right places. Invest time and energy in figuring out a few channels that will be perfect for your business. Map out your plan and distribution strategy. Choosing the right channels and mapping out the plan should be a result of the following: considering lead potential as well as overall engagement.
Consider documenting one long-form piece of content, which generally exceeds ten minutes in length. Examples include an instructional or educational video or an interview. Long-form content speaks to consumers on a deeper level and builds trust as well as connection. It’s also advantageous when it comes to SEO.
Don’t just rely on long-form videos, though. Produce short form videos, too, like teasers or brief soundbites on social media. These will generally be less than a minute in length. Distribute across all relevant platforms. Remember that there are three types of online video distribution: direct marketing, website, and social media.
Although your businesses should capitalize on marketing video content through social media platforms, carefully consider and plan exactly how your company will use particular platforms and channels. It can be tempting to rely exclusively on social media and utilize every platform similarly, but consider which platforms