Life Domain 5e focuses on the positive radiant energy of the World and all the basic forces of life sustain everything living. The deities of life support health and vitality through healing the sick and injured, caring for those in need, and motivating the forces of life and death against the dangers that threaten human existence. The domain of life has many aspects including; seasons, weather patterns, geographical features, spiritual journeys, and time.
The domain is represented by the glyph:
The Life Domain is represented by the glyph of the cross which represents the protection of the body and its physical being from harm. This protects the entire being of the individual including his mind, soul, physical body, and even spirit if he is a non-being. This also means that only the one who possesses the three soul states can fully protect himself from negative forces. Protection of the one who possesses the Life Domain spells is done primarily with Cure Wounds spells and with lesser level healing spells. The spells involve cleansing the wounds, alleviating pain, encouraging life force generation, increasing the resistance to diseases, and creating a barrier against supernatural influences such as curses cast against the subject.
Domain 5e Level of advancement:
When you have reached the required level of advancement for casting spells in the life domain 5e, your healing spells will be focused more on the restoration of health rather than on curbing pain. It is at this point that you must choose your talent or specialization in healing or casting spells. You can either become a healer or a magician depending on which path you feel more at ease with. You can choose to specialize in either discipline since the former is much easier to learn while the latter has more strict requirements. Regardless of your decision, you will still be improving your skills with the combination of these two domains.
Domain 5e Level for casting:
When you have reached the required level for casting spells in the life domain 5e, you can begin to specialize in either healing or dealing damage. There is a short rest between specialization and actual leveling; during this time you can take up the expertise in either discipline. If you have reached the required experience points for becoming a first-level Cleric, your fighter or Paladin class capabilities will become available. You will then be allowed to choose which specialization you want to use when casting spells in the life domain 5e.
Choosing your specialization:
A good idea prior to choosing your specialization is to gain some knowledge on life domain 5e by reading books or watching videos. This will give you an idea as to how different healing or attack spells are presented. Some of them will be based on anatomy, while others will rely on physiology and on spirit. Knowing how different types of spells work and what effect each one has will allow you to better choose a caster to have under your command. As a rule, it’s usually best to choose a spell caster who has at least two Hit Points equivalent to her class level.
Two things make Clerics in the life domain 5e different from other casters. The first being their versatility in regards to charms. While they can be used to heal, inflict damage or protect against certain elements, they can also have two spells that deal independent damage. This versatility makes the character ideal for groups or parties as you can rely on them to provide targeted healing without worrying about providing support like a tank would.
Second important characteristic:
The second important characteristic of a Life Domain Cleric is their heavy armor. While most classes can survive easily in medium armor or only with light armor, a Life Domain 5e Cleric will have enough defense to shrug off enemies who try to bring down their health. For this reason, a heavy armor build is usually advised for these characters. Heavy armor allows them to take a lot of punishment without becoming vulnerable. A common build for Life Domain casters is a Plateau that gives them enough protection to survive multiple rounds of fighting. In addition to heavy armor, the Cleric can also use items that reduce their vulnerability to damage or healing.
Finally, with such a high mobility score, the Life Domain Cleric can play many different types of characters. Because they have many different options available, a Life Domain Cleric can be a very flexible and helpful player. You can be a tank, a healer, a DPS dealer, or a Rogue. With cantrips like Shatter and Chain Chill, the Cleric can even function as an Elementalist, debuffing enemy targets and inflicting bleeding. The key is to find cantrips that can do more than one job so that your healing can cover more than just the front line.