Did you know 85% of consumers research a product or service online before they buy? It’s true! And successful companies in virtually every industry use proven digital marketing tactics to generate new business every day.
Finding the right tools for your specific industry marketing strategy doesn’t have to be a mystery. Whether you are looking for effective legal marketing, dental marketing, or real estate marketing, there are things we can learn from other industries to help you grow your business. Read on and learn how you can apply proven techniques to your marketing efforts.
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Dental Industry Marketing
For a long time, dentists developed their practice through word of mouth – literally. Patients would refer friends and family to their dentist, and their office grew slowly over time.
These days there is enormous competition for dental services. Traditional referrals aren’t enough to maintain a vibrant and successful dental office. Here’s what to try instead: Instagram.
Instagram is a very visual social media site, and it is popular with users under the age of 35. Promoting your practice on Instagram can be very effective if you share fun lifestyle photos of patients and their dental success stories.
Keep your feed light and lively, with 80% of your posts dedicated to fun dental hygiene tips. Use Instagram 20% of the time to promote your practice and encourage new patients to visit.
Marketing Your Legal Practice
There are specific laws regarding how a law practice can promote its services. While direct advertising appeals are usually forbidden, there is one way people connect with attorneys effectively — search engine marketing.
Ensure your website is up to date with timely, relevant content about your services, attorneys, and information related to legal issues. Post new articles on your site regularly and consider hiring an SEO specialist to ensure your website is optimized for specific keyword phrases.
There are many ways to enhance marketing efforts for your law practice. Check out Inbound Things for a full list of ways to find more legal clients.
Promoting Your Real Estate Agency
Real estate marketing is competitive. The sudden housing boom has made it a seller’s market, and realtors are fighting over every commission. How can you stand out among the noise?
Email marketing is an effective way to connect with potential buyers and sellers. 60% of business owners say email marketing is their most effective lead generation tool. The real magic of email marketing is how you can nurture potential customers until they are ready to buy or sell.
Maintain a list of past clients and potenåçtial buyers. Ask your previous sellers to refer you to friends and family and have them sign up for updates from your office. Keep in touch, and over time, you’ll develop an email subscriber list that comes to you when they are ready to buy or sell.
Learn From Others
You don’t have to create a completely new way to improve your industry marketing efforts. Other companies have used social media, search engine optimization, and email marketing with great success. Learn from their marketing strategies and put together the right plan for your business.
For more business and marketing tips and ideas, please explore the rest of our site.