When looking to make some extra money but not wanting to commit to a full-on startup, it can help to look for business opportunities that won’t cost much money to start. These side hustles can help you to make extra cash, and could turn into a profitable business as a freelance or contract worker.
We rounded up some of the top business ideas from finance and business professionals that you can start with little to no money.
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1) Pet sitting/walking
Pet sitting is a great side gig that doesn’t require much from you in terms of setting up the business according to Michaela Sabikova the founder of Happiest Dog. She continues to say, “social media is your best friend for this kind of business, as it’s really more about word of mouth. When you are taking care of someone’s dog or cat, you want people to be able to refer to you as this shows trust and loyalty which is what you want in a sitter, as a pet owner.
Most pet parents have everything you need when it comes to caring for or walking their pet. You would only need a mode of transportation, and maybe some treats that you know the dogs or cats like to help with trust. But most often you don’t need anything, except to market yourself via social media and to always have your resume at the ready for anyone who might want to know a little more about you. I recommend posting your availability and posting often to increase the awareness surrounding your side hustle. Also giving discounted services at the start simply to get the word around and asking pet owners to let others know about your business.”
2) Yard work
“Yard work is a really great way to make some extra cash without needing to have any specialty skills”, says Karen Lee the founder of Smart Robotic Home. “Things like mowing the lawn, clearing snow, watering plants and flowers are all easy things that can be done whenever, which also makes it a flexible business. It does require you to have some equipment such as a lawn mower, shovel or snow blower, but if you have already invested in those for yourself, then you can simply use them for other homes.
Other than that, most homes have garden hoses, and you don’t really need much other equipment. Asking your clients to spread the word to other neighbors is a helpful marketing strategy, and working around your own schedule makes it a viable option for many people.”
3) Monetize your hobby
Drew Lever the Chief Marketing Officer for Ria Money Transfer says, “If you have a hobby like knitting, sewing, cooking, playing an instrument, etc, you can make money! Taking advantage of teaching others what you know can bring in some extra money with little cost to you. And although most hobbies require a bit of money to start, making a profit from it doesn’t. Hosting online classes or lessons or even recording videos and selling them can be a great way to create a business you love. When you are passionate about your hobby, then sharing it with others can be a fun experience. There are so many people who want to learn new things, but might not have access to the resources. People will pay to learn something new, especially when it’s online as it’s more accessible.
Strat making a YouTube channel, selling original patterns or creating how-to-videos that require a subscription. This doesn’t cost much at all to start, and can be an enjoyable business.”
4) Painting the interior of houses
If you like to paint and have a passion for interior design, then putting these skills to use to help others can be a cheap side business. Painting interior walls especially is daunting for a lot of people, but if you do it often in your own home or to help friends and family, then you could turn this into a business.
Most people dread painting because it can be messy and take a lot of time and patience. If you offer your services, they can pay for the supplies and pay you which means not up front costs. You can also pay for the items and simply include it into your pay which will be both a profit and cover the costs of supplies. Look to join handy people apps with your services and use social media to create a page to draw in possible customers.