Many people never consider the benefits of buying in bulk. That’s understandable, as it doesn’t seem like one of those things that could have an impact on your home or the environment. However, if you’ve been thinking about ways you can consciously cut down on packaging and waste – buying in bulk might be the way to go.
Here are just a few of the reasons why it’s time to make the switch to buying in bulk.
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Transport reduction
Through buying food and household items online, you will reduce your need to go to the shops so often, thus saving you time and money, as well as reducing your carbon footprint. Say you want to buy toilet tissue online, you can buy large amounts that come in the one collection. You can easily store the collection in your home and don’t have to worry about going back to the supermarket every couple of weeks for more toilet paper.
Reduce waste
Buying food and household items in bulk will reduce both your food waste and packaging waste. Australians create over 40 million tonnes of waste every year. This makes us one of the largest waste producers in the world, something we can’t exactly be proud about. Instead of going to the shop all the time to pick up single-use packaging, why not order large amounts in bulk? This will create a dramatic reduction in your weekly waste as well as have you thinking about how you can further reduce your carbon footprint.
It’s far cheaper
Typically, buying food in bulk is much cheaper. People overspend when they find themselves going to the supermarket two or three times a week. They get sucked in by specials for products they don’t even need, and simply want to buy more just because they are in the store. Buying in bulk either in-store or online is cheaper as you get exactly what you need and don’t go overboard with the spending.
You get exactly what you need
Buying in bulk comes with a huge amount of versatility that allows you to get exactly what you want when you make your order. You can measure out exactly what your shopping list requires without getting too little or too much. It’s basically a great way of matching your shopping needs – another bonus when it comes to saving money.
Food stays fresher
Because you can measure out exactly what you need, your food will stay fresher and you won’t have old packets and half finished products lying around to go off. Popular bulk food stores always carry fresh ingredients as they have a high product turnover. What’s more, these stores are generally temperature controlled so you know that they are keeping their product at the right temperature.
It’s a more conscious way to shop
Buying in bulk makes you think about your carbon footprint and food waste. Through becoming more carbon conscious, you will start thinking up other ways you can reduce your impact on the environment. Of course, everything you can do to help will help, so starting with something like reducing packaging and food waste is a great step in the green direction.
It’s not hard to initiate
Making the bulk buying switch is not the most difficult thing you ever do. Sure, it’s a change from the way you might have always shopped, but the way you go about shopping is not going to have a huge impact on your daily life. However, it could potentially benefit your life through saving money on products, on transport and extra food costs, whilst doing the environment a solid favour.