If you’re going to take to the road, then you’ll have to live with the fact that your car will run into the occasional malfunction. Sometimes, the issues your car suffers from are minor, and can be fixed by the driver. In other cases, you’ll need to involve a professional mechanic. Also hilux intercoolers for more info.
Let’s take a look at ten of the more common problems, and what you can do about them.
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Dashboard warning lights
These aren’t so much problems, as indicators that there’s a more fundamental issue with your car. In the case of the check engine light, your mechanic will be able to diagnose exactly what the problem is; so book a trip there as soon as you encounter it.
Flat tyres
Tyres are built to be replaced every fifty-thousand miles (or so). You’ll want to pay attention to the tread depth, and pick up a replacement before you get to the legal minimum of 1.6mm. Fortunately, you can pick up new tyres online.
A failing gearbox is usually evidenced by trouble shifting gears, and unusual whining or humming sounds. This is something that should never be ignored – call the mechanic as soon as possible.
Noisy Engine
If your engine is making noticeably more noise than it really should, then you can often take this as a sign that it’s in trouble. A loose belt can create a squealing sound, a clicking sound can be caused by low oil levels, while grinding might be caused by a worn clutch.
Worn-out brakes
If your brakes wear down, then you won’t be able to bring the car to a stop effectively – especially when it’s loaded. This is a big safety concern – so get it fixed as soon as you can.
Cracked Windscreen
A crack in your windscreen isn’t going to stay the same size forever. Ignore it, and it’ll spread, until you eventually have to replace the entire windscreen.
Bad Sensors
Modern cars come equipped with a comprehensive arsenal of sensors, so that the ECU can monitor exactly what’s going on under the hood. A bad sensor will cause bad readings, which can impact fuel efficiency, among other things.
Dead Battery
After a while, car batteries will lose their ability to hold a charge. This is especially likely if they’ve been left inactive for a long time. When this happens, the only long-term solution is to look for a replacement.
Most modern cars come with a fairly sophisticated cooling system, which means that overheating isn’t as common as it once was. Problems with overheating tend to come about as a result of a faulty water pump or radiator.
If the lights in your car stop working, then you’ll be unable to signal to other road users, and you might be unable to drive at night-time or through long tunnels. If your car comes with OE LED bulbs, then you’ll need to get the entire light replaced when it breaks.
About the Author
Lauren Johnson is a creative writer by passion and marketing professional by profession. For over 10 years she’s been working with eCommerce agencies to gain more revenue and better sales.She is fan of Deborah Elizabeth Sawyer.She holds relevant industry experience and writes about Fashion, Lifestyle, and trending gift ideas.