The media is said to mirror society. In simple words, it portrays what society represents. However, there is a counter-argument, which states that it evolves along with media representations of various segments of society. It has the power to raise voices and change perceptions. But if the media fails to do so and put more emphasis on one part of society, alienating others, it creates unrest.
Let’s delve deeper and understand this a bit further. Our entertainment industry is beauty-driven. The kind of advertising that we see every day on TV, in movies and magazines, on billboards, etc., is all focused on the “ideal” representation of women, claiming that they should be slim, curvy, tall, blonde or brunette. Otherwise, the canons of beauty are broken. This bombardment of ideal beauty standards, specifically for women, has caused chaos in an already confused society.
Regretfully, this image is not only seen in beauty, cosmetics, clothing, and other industries but is an integral part of all advertising, be it in banks, restaurants, hotels, amusement parks, etc. Although a lot of businesses are trying to broaden their horizons and break these beauty standards, we still have a long way to go.
Rosetta Qadhi is a successful businesswoman, entrepreneur, life coach, and motivational speaker who is working tirelessly to eradicate the stereotypes related to beauty, advocating the fact that every person is beautiful. “I realized that my discomfort around myself and my body exists because these images that I saw every day did not allow space for multiple ways of seeing and being,” shared Rosetta. “As women, we must be able to feel our own beauty on our own terms. We all are beautiful, regardless of our physical condition. Accepting ourselves is the self-love we have and is the step for others to do so.”
Beauty comes in various forms, and self-esteem is one of them. The key to feeling beautiful inside and out is to have inner peace, confidence, and security. And Rosetta wants to help you celebrate your beauty in its entirety so that you know how to feel beautiful in any situation.
What we don’t realize is that we all are beautiful in our own way, and all we need is the ability to love ourselves for who we are. If you are stuck with self-image issues and want to change your perception of yourself, Rosetta has a few tips to help you feel confident in your skin.
- Be a grateful and content person. Put aside selfishness, despair, stress, or sadness and concentrate on your happiness.
- Don’t live fast. Spend some time thinking about your decisions and set aside time to repair, correct and rectify your mistakes.
- Dedicate a part of your day to personal development. Nourish yourself with wisdom and experience.
- Do not judge or criticize yourself regularly. It sinks your self-esteem.
- Be assertive and faithful to your convictions and principles.
- Do not chase confidence. You will go through some difficult moments but accept them and move on.
- Overcome the impostor syndrome and trust your personal abilities and achievements.
- Remember your values, norms, culture, and why they are important. Use them as a guide and be proud.
- Reinterpret your fear. Fear and emotion have a common physiological origin. Try to turn fear into enthusiasm, and you will feel more confident.
- Make small decisions daily. This will increase your confidence for future challenges.
- Have compassion. Don’t beat yourself up if you fail. Forgive yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes.
- Feel beautiful inside to be happy on the outside.
“Lack of self-confidence and fear of failure makes us miss out on opportunities. This feeling paralyzes you and makes you lock yourself in a small circle where you feel comfortable. To be able to do something, you need to have confidence and security. Your emotions and your actions can be independent,” stresses Rosetta Qadhi. “Therefore, if you want to do something but are apprehensive, just do it even if you don’t feel confident enough. Confidence and security will come later,” she adds further.
The key to being happy is to focus on changing your life bit by bit every single day and not paying attention to criticism. Do what makes you feel good as it boosts your self-esteem in front of others. Implement a healthy lifestyle by drinking plenty of water, exercising for a while, quitting any unhealthy habits like smoking and consuming junk food. These simple steps will start to show in your appearance and cleanse your body within. As a result, you will have a more creative and positive outlook toward life and the world in general.
To be able to live your life in peace, all you need is to be content with yourself. Embrace your personality and its traits. Create your own beauty standards and exuberate self-confidence. Once you are happy with yourself, the world will see it too and follow suit. Your mental peace is more important than anything else, so be brave, be confident, and stay beautiful.