Dogs have restricted means of dealing with heat, unlike people who are able to withstand heat from all over their bodies by sweating. Did you know that dogs can sweat a little through their paws as well? There are many types of best dog paw balm and dog paw cream available at any dog care supply store.
There are 5 paw pads in a dog’s paw, each of which has a dense layer under the surface of fatty tissue. Such pads act as shock absorbers that relieve the pressure on the joints of the dog. Great for the joints, but the paw pads carry the impact’s brunt.The paw pads of puppies are very soft and sensitive. Preferably, the skin gets thicker and tougher and far less sensitive as the dog grows up.
It is always a good idea to find the best dog paw balm and use it as a preventive treatment, because it can have a huge effect when it comes to extreme weather conditions. In very cold weather, the paw pads can quickly become dry and cracked.
Dog paw cream and dog paw balm provides a semi-permeable membrane that protects the skin on the pads from everything with which they come into contact.
There is not only a chance of snow being trapped between their toes when your dog jumps around in snow or on ice but the existence of snow and ice normally means that potentially damaging de-icing chemicals have been dispersed around the city.
Although they can sweat on their paws through the skin, while walking on blistering hot concrete, asphalt or sand, that will never be sufficient to keep their paws cool enough. The protective barrier will be created by the paw balm, ensuring that your pup’s paws remain moist and comfortable.
Moreover, in the summer or winter, broken noses, such as paws, can occur and only depends on how busy they are inside and outside the house.
If there is an injury do you know how to treat it? If you don’t it’s completely okay read the points mentioned below to know how to treat dog paw injury:
- Cleanse the paw
With an anti-bacterial cleaner, you can use water, and be sure to remove any dirt that may be in or around the paw pads. If there are objects embedded deep within the paw pad, get a doctor to help extract the objects.
- Try to stop bleeding
If the injury is serious, this move shouldn’t take too long, in which case you will need to take your dog to a vet.
- Wrap up
Making the decision to wrap the foot up or not is always a tricky one.Preferably, you’d like the paw to stay dry, that would mean shouldn’t use a tonne of bandage lotion, but as most dog owners know, by walking on the injury and more so my licking it your dog would possibly cause a lot of harm. If your dog is really active or an obsessive licker, cover up the whole foot around the ankle with some bandages on the pad and Vetwrap over the rest. However if the paw injury of your dog is beyond your control, it is advised that you should take it to a nearby veterinarian for further assistance.
- Watch the injury and adjust the bandage regularly.
The last thing you want is for injury to rot in its bandaged wrapping, so track the healing process, because if it’s not healing, take it as a major red flag and consider visiting a vet.