There are several aspects of education in the life of a student. Spirituality is one the best aspects of education .Spiritual development is very necessary in students. In India in ancient times there was a Gurukul system to teach students and give them education. There, along with several other important courses and studies, daily classes of spiritual subjects and practices used to be conducted in order to awaken them from inside and make their inner consciousness stronger than other common people. The purpose of spiritual education is to explore and express the inner self of ourselves. It is a very trustworthy fact that if students are given spiritual knowledge they get over development itself and they don’t need separate classes for moral education or yoga or human values because all these necessary education to create a character in a student, are included in spiritual education. When students impart religious education and spiritual learning along with their normal education it provides many important attributes for their growth in education like patience, concentration, focus, discipline, care and ability to practice religious thoughts , faith and truthfulness in life which brings a lot of respect in society also.
Today the education sector has attained tremendous development, students are learning vast amounts of subjects as compared to earlier times with the help of the internet. Students are using online education in order to attain knowledge of various sectors. The same way they are learning about spiritual subjects and topics also. They opt any education app according to their need and through that education app they complete their study according to their curriculum. For this purpose some NGOs and some religious communities and organizations also launch small workshops so that students can join them during their vacations and can be aware of spiritual aspects of life and how important it is to get connected with spiritualism. Spirituality provides knowledge to the students to articulate their personal philosophy of life. Students attain those particular skills and abilities through which they can solve the issues of ethics, values and morality. With this kind of education students can participate in any debate regarding various faiths in different religions and can express their views also impressively.
A learning management system of some educational institutions allows the induction of spiritualism in their education system but a learning management system of some educational institutes don’t see it this way, according to them it can deviate focus of the students from normal education and curriculum. Spiritual teaching contributes to the development of ethics and moral values in a student. For example, when students learn the subject Sanskrit in India then they find various such Shlokas which contain prayers for the well being of nature, people and even for animals and trees because spiritualism means to take everyone along and care for every living organism on earth. Spiritualism teaches to consider earth as mother and nature as father and respect them. Such teachings itself give so much awakening at emotional and conscious level that students start to focus on good things and manage their student life in a better way and as result they top in class and score very good marks. Because all it takes is being responsible towards the studies and learning.
The Spiritual aspect of education teaches students some very good characteristics which gives complete satisfaction and stops the whirlpool of thoughts about what is right and what is wrong. It provides thoughts of charitable activities to the students and when they perform such activities like donating, helping the poor, community service and helping peers and others, then they learn that apart from the bookish world there is so much that can teach them good things as well as provide inner satisfaction. Through spiritual education a student also learns some very important lessons in their normal lives also like no one can get a single penny in this world without hard work and begging is not an option to live a good life, an individual should believe in Karma and should perform his/her all duties whether social or personal and then should never expect anything in return because he/she will get revert according to the Karma whether it is regarding personal life or academic life. Spiritual education also gives a major understanding of other cultures and the world of other religions which makes an equilibrium in life.