These days, when health issues are increasing drastically, it becomes important to take care of health and live a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to healthy bones, it is very important to work on them and build healthy bones.
Do you know that when you reach the age of 30, you have gained the maximum bone mass? You need to work on your bones to maintain their strength and health. In many people, the required bone mass is not created at this age, while some people experience bone loss later in life. In these cases, their bones become fragile and are at high risk of break easily.
But, if you give proper care to your bones by eating nutritious foods and by living with healthy lifestyle habits, you can maintain strong bones as you age. Have a look at some of these ways.
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Eating lots of vegetables
Vegetables are one of the great sources for your bones. They are rich in Vitamin C that helps in producing bone-forming cells. In some studies, it has been found that Vitamin C can also help in preventing bone cells from damage. The regular intake of vegetables can also increase bone mineral density (BMD).
BMD Leeton is a measurement that gives the amount of calcium and other minerals present in the bones. If you consume a diet high in vegetables during childhood, it helps in creating healthy bones. This also helps in protecting bone mass in young people and older women.
Performing weight-bearing exercises
If you do regular exercises, it helps in building and maintaining strong bones. Weight-bearing exercise is one of the best types of exercise that works effectively in promoting the formation of new bone. It also helps in preventing the loss of bones in older adults.
It is also found that older men and women who regularly do weight-bearing exercise have increased BMD and bone strength.
Taking enough protein
You must know that if you take enough protein, it makes your bones healthy. Do you know that nearly 50% of your bones are made of protein? If you have a low intake of protein, it decreases the level of calcium in your bones and will affect the formation of bones.
If you consume 100 grams of protein daily with plant foods, you will have healthy bones. The older women who consume an adequate amount of protein are more likely to gain better BMD Leeton.
Eating high calcium foods
It is always recommended to consume calcium daily so that you can work on protecting bone structure and strength. The amount of calcium your body absorbs varied from one person to another. The best way is to spread the intake of calcium ll through the day.
Also, a better idea is to consume calcium-rich foods instead of taking calcium supplements.
Avoiding low-calorie diet
Consuming low-calorie food has never been a good idea at all. It also works adversely on your bone health. It is proved that if you consume less than 1,000 calories in a day, it can result in lowering BMD.
To build strong bones and to maintain their strength, you are advised to follow a balanced diet that includes at least 1,200 calories in a day. But make sure to include an adequate amount of protein and vitamins in your diet that support bone health.
Maintaining a healthy weight
Just eating a nutritious diet is not enough to obtain the normal BMD. You also need to maintain a healthy weight that can easily support your bone health. You must know that if you are underweight, the chances of getting osteoporosis increase to great extent.
If you have low body weight, you may have low BMD and higher bone loss. In some studies, it has been proved that even obese people are at high risk of fractures due to their higher weight.
Adding magnesium and zinc to your diet
Many people think that calcium is the only mineral that works on improving their bone health. Magnesium and zinc also play a great role in maintaining bone health. The study also shows that women who consume at least 400 mg of magnesium in a day tend to have high BMD Leeton.
Final Words
No matter what your age is. Bone health is important for all ages. You must work on maintaining good bone health. Simply follow these nutrition and lifestyle habits that can work great in building strong bones. Always remember that nothing is too early to start.