When your business has a website that you rely on to help generate sales, there are many tools that you can use to help you monitor it and ensure it is working correctly. You can also use the tools to help with your marketing and drive traffic to your website. With that in mind, there are plenty of other tools you can use for various reasons. Below are some of the tools you can consider adding to your website that may prove highly valuable and help you run and manage your website effectively.
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A cPanel is a GUI (graphic user interface) that allows website owners to manage their website and the server it uses. When website designers in Cardiff, for example, creates your website, they will also provide cPanel access for you to manage your website on your end. It will also allow you to install third-party applications that you can use to monitor your website and help with your SEO and digital marketing.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is an excellent tool that you can use for your website that is free and can help you monitor the traffic that visits your website. It shows you plenty of helpful information, including:
- Users who visit your website
- How much time they spend on your website?
- The average session duration
- How many pages they visit?
- The best performing pages on your website
- The website browser people use
- The device they use
These are only a sample of the information you can gather when using Google Analytics on your website, but there is more besides. If you are serious about marketing your website, you will need to install this handy tool on your site and start putting the information to use.
Yoast SEO
Another fantastic tool or plugin you will want to install on your website, especially if you use WordPress, is Yoast SEO. Using this can help you strengthen the SEO of your website, and you can automate much of it. It can help you improve the technical aspects of your website and assist you in optimising your content, adding internal linking, title tags and meta descriptions, and other factors that can affect the performance of your website. It can be an excellent addition when you have a small business without a dedicated marketing or SEO team.
You can also consider adding Hotjar to your website, which gives you plenty of information on how users interact with your website. It allows you to track the mouse pointer movements of users to see how they navigate around your site and enable you to work on the user experience (UX) of your website. You can get this software for free, so it is worth using on your site and can give you plenty of valuable information and make improvements to your site.
Another WordPress plugin you can consider adding to your website is Smush, which helps you optimise the images on your website and assist with the page loading speed. It is worth considering investing in the Smush Pro version as it can optimise the images on your site at the touch of a button, helping to make your website load faster.