Table of Contents
GIS for demographic analysis
Demographic analysis is the basis for decision making in many application of GIS in business tasks: providing services to clients, locating construction sites, following local regulations, marketing research and advertising campaigns. Understanding the spatial demographics of a population is also important for compiling direct mailing lists for mailing advertisements, compiling suitable advertising brochures, and conducting media advertising campaigns.
It is based on data linked to the card about lifestyle, shopping preferences, per capita income and other important criteria. Gis courses Australia allows you to create demographic templates and corresponding maps based on information obtained from surveys and questionnaires of shoppers in stores, by phone, etc., and then linking the collected data to addresses. In doing so, you can identify examples and trends that are not obvious from a simple scan of spreadsheets containing this data. This data, or some of it, is usually already stored in the corporate database. Demographic analysis companies can also assist with demographic analysis.
GIS for communication with clients and partners
On average, the cost of acquiring a new customer is five times the cost of retaining existing customers. Customer service departments look at all aspects of the business, from determining the best product for a specific customer, to distributing goods and providing value-added services to customers in their home or office. One of the usual tasks of the customer service is to redirect them to the nearest dealer or service center that has the right product or provides the right service. GIS uses information about the customer’s address and data from the corporate database in order to determine where the customer is located and provides a enter map coordinates of the location of the nearest dealers and service centers of the company. The ability to integrate maps and tabular data makes GIS technology ideal for improving customer service.
GIS for product delivery and routing
With the help of GIS, you can integrate geographic analysis functions into the customer service process: from calculating the time and the shortest route to the customer to drawing up a route sheet and timetables when serving multiple customers. Accurate delivery planning leads to significant cost savings (for example, Sears, a leading retailer, saves tens of millions of dollars a year). Enhanced network analysis functions allow you to track the movement of vehicles along routes, highlight delivery options taking into account the time of day, traffic loads, the number of vehicles, etc.
GIS for selecting and analyzing locations
GIS provides a convenient means of finding a suitable location for a new store, warehouse or service center. You will be able to compare customer information with census data to find out the degree of penetration of a given type of goods into the market, your share in this market and in a given region. As the market conditions change, GIS will help you draw up plans for a safe exit from this market, taking into account the sale of your property.
Gis and transport
The territorial distribution of transport systems makes them an ideal object of automation through geographic information systems. Building and optimizing routes on the existing road network in big cities is an urgent task. In Bishkek, for example, there are more than a hundred public transport routes. It is simply impossible to keep them in one head and even more so to analyze them. In addition, it is necessary to optimize not one type of transport, but all of them in the complex – buses, trolleybuses, “minibuses”. This task is the most difficult organizationally, as it requires the coordination of a large number of managing organizations. It is also technically complex, as it requires the collection, systematization and analysis of a large amount of initial data.
Monitoring the condition of the roadway and planning repairs. It is one of the most popular GIS applications in road administrations. Often, just color coding of road sections in terms of repair time is enough to significantly optimize the process and improve the quality of the road surface as a whole. If you use GIS to integrate versatile information on the road network (types / quality of pavement, traffic load, repair dates), on its basis you can build a dynamic wear model and automate the planning of repairs (in the West they have been doing this for a long time). It is convenient to store both road signs and other roadside information linked to geographic or linear coordinates in a geodatabase.
GIS in military technology
One of the existing and promising areas of GIS application is the military field, which refers to applications not only for the military, but also for other power structures. Despite the difference in the tasks of these organizations, their organizational structure, etc., they all work with cartographic information, and not only for the purpose of viewing, but also its analysis.
It is also important that many of the tasks, previously specific and unique only to the military field, now find parallels in the civilian market. For example, the tasks of mutual visibility, cross-country motion analysis, analysis and processing of high-resolution images are extremely relevant in the study of the environment, oil and gas sectors. Previously available only to the military, high-resolution images are increasingly finding their widest commercial use.
Now GIS technologies are widely used for computer representation, storage and further use of graphical geological information: various types of maps of geological content and topographic base, plans, geological sections, Earth remote sensing data, etc. GIS technologies provide effective means for solving problems in all areas of storage, processing and use of spatial information. They are the main tools for creating digital models (digital models) of maps, developing creating & editing Vector Data, for ensuring the management of information resources and organizing access to geodata.