Sleeping is a fundamental part of life, one that most people take an insane amount of pleasure in it. Unfortunately, not all of us get to enjoy such a luxury due to several reasons. For starters, some have spine-related injuries that prevent them from having a good night’s sleep like the rest of us.
For others, well, let’s say they don’t know how to sleep well, and that’s what tends to hurt their overall health in time. Thankfully, I’m here to make sure that you never repeat that mistake. That said, here are some of the best sleep positions to improve your back health:
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The reclined back positions
The reclined back position is the perfect sleeping position for those who fancy sleeping on their backs. The reason why this position comes naturally for some is that they feel most comfortable in it. The latter is why you have to do it the right way. Thankfully, pulling this sleeping position isn’t as complicated as some may think. All one has to do is get a nice, comfortable pillow and have it under their head.
I still insist on getting a comfortable pillow because having a hard pillow will result in a sour neck when you wake up the following morning. The slight inclination is exceptionally beneficial to your isthmic spondylolisthesis, resulting in sleeping with the best backbone alignment thanks to the perfect angle the position strikes between your thighs and back, elevating the pressure off your back.
The sleeping on the back with a pillow underneath your knees position
Most qualified chiropractors will advise you to try this position, especially when you are experiencing persistent back pains that won’t go away. You’ll start by lying flat on your back and putting the comfortable pillow under your knees. What this does is taking the pressure not only on your back but your internal organs away. The latter happens thanks to the even distribution of pressure.
If you can’t find a good pillow, feel free to get a bit creative. Rolling up a towel before placing it under your knees will also do a great job. If this position doesn’t work as effectively for you as it does on others, then try adding the rolled towel on the small of your back and see what happens. If doing the latter doesn’t take the annoying back pains away, then it’s time you booked an appointment with your chiropractor as soon as you possibly can.
Sleep facing down with a pillow under your belly
This one is my personal favorite because, well, I happen to be a stomach sleeper (if that’s even a thing). Also, pulling this position is easy as it only requires two pillows. With one pillow, you use it to anchor your face. The other one you place on your abdomen and sleep on it.
What this position does is alleviate the pressure off your back, especially since sleeping on your bellow is famous for adding extra pressure on the spine, explaining why most back experts’ advice against it. But since it’s hard to break certain habits, especially since they come to us subconsciously, it’s always better to take precautions while trying our best to change.
The two pillows are useful since they effectively alleviate the pressure exerted in between the discs. That’s why people with degenerative disc diseases are always advised to try this position out.
Slide sleeping with a pillow between your knees
Side sleeping often happens the moment when sleeping either on our bellies or backs become uncomfortable. When this happens, you might want to make sure that your shoulder and the rest of your side contact the mattress. Then take a soft pillow and place it strategically between your legs.
There are cases where putting a pillow between your knees would result in space between your waist and mattress. If the latter happens, then you might want to roll up a towel and insert it between the spaces. What the latter does is create better alignment between your spine, hips, and pelvis.
Fetal side position
Just as the name suggests, this sleeping position resembles that of a fetus. But then you have to do it in the side position, and you only need a single pillow. Thankfully, pulling it off also seems to be a tad easier than most of the positions on this list. First, you’ll start by lying on your back then rolling over to your side as gently as you can.
You’ll then tuck your knees towards your elbows before curling into a ball, just like a fetus does while still in its mother’s womb. While you’re doing this, make sure your head rests on a comfortable pillow for maximum comfort.
The only drawback of this position is how easy it is to have imbalances that can put extra pressure on your back. The latter is why you need to keep switching positions from time to time. You’ll know it’s time to make the switch the moment the position starts getting uncomfortable.
Now that you’ve learned a thing or two about the best sleeping positions, it is imperative for you also to understand that assuming them isn’t enough. There are so many things you have to do before you have a good night’s sleep. For starters, you might want to get the right orthopedic mattress. These mattresses are not only comfortable but will also help take the pressure off your back whenever you are asleep. If you do not have a comfortable bed or mattress, I advise you to check the products online and get one. Do not forget to read reviews before buying any mattress.
The latter is significant because it not only keeps the pressure off your back but also takes the tossing and turning off the table quite effectively. Also, you might want to make sure your bedroom hygiene is essential. A clean sleeping environment will almost always give you a reason to sleep comfortably, limiting the tossing and turning, which takes the pressure off your back.