Silicone Insulator: yes, Silencil definitely is safe for Tinnitus relief. Silencil is an FDA licensed, all natural, non-toxic treatment for Tinnitus caused by hearing loss. Silencil works by reducing the pressure within the cochlea, a small hair like structure in the inner ear, thereby causing the ear to contract.
As it tightens, the noise that goes with it will be reduced and noise will start to be eliminated. Silencil can reduce the ringing sound that you hear in your ears to the point where you no longer have to wear a hearing aid or any other type of hearing aid. It can be used in conjunction with any other form of treatment to relieve Tinnitus symptoms such as medication and acupuncture. Silencil can also be used alone as a stand-alone therapy.
Why Is Silencil Safe For Tinnitus? Silencil contains no harmful chemicals, metals or toxins. Silenck is made from a rubber compound called Silica that was first developed in Germany. Silica has long been known for its many benefits as a natural healing agent. Silicone is one of the naturally occurring forms of Silica and it is widely known to have positive benefits for human health.
Silenzin: Silenzin is the scientific name for Silica and is used in a wide variety of products, including Silicone Insulator. The term Silica is derived from the Greek words ‘silica’ which means ‘sand’, and ‘zingin’ which means ‘stone’. The use of this particular combination of words to refer to Silica in a product is quite common and it is accepted by most of the medical community.
In addition to helping you get rid of your Tinnitus, Silenzin has also been scientifically proven to be very effective in helping to treat other types of diseases, such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. It has been proven to have positive effects on depression and stress.
If you do not want to use Silenzin, you can still use silence as a hearing aid. Silenzin is available in both soft and hard foam hearing aids.
What Does Silenzin Contain? Silencio comes in two forms; a liquid pill, or an odorless spray, and is a combination of Silica and water. Silencio is a mixture of two ingredients; Silica and water are combined and then mixed with a solvent in order to make Silicicic acid, which is the active ingredient of Silenzin. Silic acid, along with the other ingredients, helps to reduce the excess tension in the inner ear that causes Tinnitus by relaxing the hair cells in the inner ear.
Silencio is an all natural medication and should not be consumed if you are taking medications for depression, high blood pressure or diabetes. You should take Silencio on a daily basis as directed on the package. It is best to take Silencio with other treatments.
Another great benefit to using Silencio is that it is also safe to use in combination with other medications for tinnitus. You can take Silencio with other medications, if you prefer, such as over the counter remedies or prescription drugs, but you should consult your physician first.
How Does Silenco Work to Treat Tinnitus? Silencio is used to treat a variety of diseases that cause Tinnitus; some of these include depression and high blood pressure. The combination of Silica and water is what helps to reduce the tension in the inner ear that causes Tinnitus.
If you want to know how Silencoxidin works to treat your Tinnitus, there are a number of websites online that have you do a little research. Most of them will explain the basic process of how Silenciido works, the effectiveness of Silencio and a couple of the many ways you can take Silenco. Some of the sites also offer testimonials from people who have used Silenco and are pleased with the results.
When taking Silenco to treat your Tinnitus, you will want to keep in mind to try to keep a journal for a couple of weeks or so, especially if you are a heavy user. This will allow your body time to adjust to Silenco and allow your body to get used to the medication before taking Silenco again. Your doctor may want you to take Silenco over a long period of time in order to ensure the body gets used to the medication and the drug does not produce any adverse side effects, or you may be advised to stop taking Silenco, if the side effects seem to bother you or are bothering you.