Exceptional employees are worth their weight in gold. They are the whole package, intelligent, experienced, proactive, hard-working, and passionate. They are usually multitask oriented, self-starters who have leadership qualities, are great listeners, communicators, and collaborators. They have qualities that go far beyond performance evaluations and instrumental to the success of an organization. Here are eight qualities of a truly exceptional employee.
Tristan Stewart, a managed IT services provider in Dallas shares what he looks for in a rock star employee.
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They Jump In Whenever Needed
An exceptional employee is one who will step up and help whenever needed, many times offering to assist without being asked. They understand the importance of adapting quickly and adjusting priorities to get an important task completed whether it is in their job description or not. They are team-oriented and know that challenging situations require an “all hands on deck” attitude.
They Are Full Of Personality
The most exceptional employees have personality qualities that often stand out in a crowd of normal. They have a bright, cheerful disposition and brighten the mood of the room. They become the group’s influencers and inspire others to make the workplace a more enjoyable and even fun environment. Their quirky personality makes them risk takers, boundary stretchers who question the status quo. They bring creative energy and sometimes the best ideas to the team. They want to make others comfortable in a stressful environment, by breaking the ice.
They Know How To Balance
Exceptional employees are emotionally intelligent and know when and where to use their personality differences. They are first and foremost professionals who understand when to be serious and when to have some fun. They can assess the tone of the room and know how to act in every situation, providing input as needed and conforming to the crowd when needed.
They Publically Recognize Their Colleagues
Exceptional employees are usually looked up to by others. They also understand that recognizing their peers for their great work and contributions is important to overall office morale. They usually don’t need this type of recognition, but will publically share and praise their peers for jobs well done. This recognition is a reflection of the exceptional employee’s empathy and team spirit.
They Are Discreet
Exceptional employees will disagree and discuss difficult issues in a private setting. Because they are emotionally intelligent, they understand that discussing controversial issues like office politics, gossip, and other sensitive topics are off-limits in a group setting. They are disciplined and discreet.
They Speak Up
Exceptional employees understand that others are hesitant to ask questions during meetings. Even though they already know and understand the latest information, they will ask a question for the benefit of the entire group. They are empathetic to others and will help colleagues by speaking for them. They realize that if everyone is on the same page the outcome will be quicker and successful.
They Challenge Others
Exceptional people lead by example and are self-motivated. They usually are optimistic and see the glass half full, instead of half empty. They are driven to succeed and will confidently challenge others who are negative and bring every reason why something won’t work to the table. Exceptional employees combine their experience, education, and talent with their personal drive and desire to do a great job.
They Think Outside The Everyday Box
Exceptional employees are life long learners. They like to improve, grow, and looking for new ways to improve the status quo. They will follow the IT company protocol and processes but if they figure out a way to streamline or improve one, they will share their suggestions. They have high expectations for themselves and think outside the everyday box.