Did you know that most babies get their baby teeth when they are between 6 months to 1 year old? For some people, these baby teeth are the only teeth they ever have.
While this may sound shocking to some, if you’re reading this article, you may be one of the few that retained some or all of their baby teeth instead of getting “adult teeth” as you got older.
If you’re someone that has a baby tooth that never fell out, are you thinking about dental implants? While they can be a great option for some people, it’s important to learn about how the process works to see if implants are right for you.
Keep reading to learn if adults with baby teeth should consider dental implants or not.
Are Dental Implants a Good Idea for Adults With Baby Teeth?
The general pattern for permanent teeth development is that the baby teeth will grow in first. This is referred to as primary dentition. As the baby teeth fall out, the adult teeth will grow in as a replacement.
There are cases when a baby tooth doesn’t fall out because there is no adult tooth behind it to act as the replacement. In other situations, there is a permanent tooth, but it isn’t able to erupt through to the surface.
In these situations, getting dental implants can be a huge benefit.
Primary teeth are generally a different shape than adult teeth, and they may not be as big as necessary to fill your mouth. In addition to this, some people are embarrassed by the appearance of their teeth since they do appear differently than adult teeth, so dental implants can help someone regain confidence.
How Would Dental Implants Work in This Situation?
Usually, if you have a baby tooth when you’re age 20, it will stay with you until you’re about 40 years old. At this point, it will fall out and require some type of replacement, which is where dental implants are a great option.
However, you can also elect to get dental implants well before this happens. The baby teeth can be extracted and replaced with dental implants before your teeth get loose so that you can enjoy a beautiful smile throughout all of adulthood.
A dental implant is going to be the same for patients with permanent baby teeth as it would be for anyone else after the adult baby teeth are extracted.
A titanium post will be placed in the jaw with a prosthetic root that will hold a crown in place. This will happen for all teeth at need replacing. There is also an option for all on 4 dental services, which means you’ll have all crowns held in place by just 4 titanium posts.
The crown is going to look like a natural tooth, so you don’t have to worry about being able to eat, speak, or smile — you can do all of these things with ease!
Consider Dental Implants Today
Adults with baby teeth aren’t going to be harmed by keeping their baby teeth, but as we stated, many adults that still have their baby teeth feel that adult teeth would look more cosmetically pleasing.
If you’re someone that has baby teeth, know that you have options. Dental implants can be a great way to get the smile you’ve always wanted.
To learn more about dental health options and more, check out the rest of our blog next!