Recovering from a wound, no matter its size, there are important steps to take and information to consider if you want to speed up the healing process. Wounds heal faster under the right conditions. These conditions include things like being well rested, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, exercising and more. When you combine all of these efforts in a habitual manner, your wound will begin healing safely quickly and effectively.
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Peptides are powerful chains of amino acids, or smaller versions of proteins, that continue to be studied in clinical trials to prove their effectiveness in healing many health conditions. The results from studies done on mice show promising potential. The peptide BPC 157 when utilized in studies on chicken and mice showed tendencies towards wound healing, tendon repair, and many other vascular growth benefits.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleeping the right amount of hours each night has the ability to have a tremendous impact on overall healthy, and wound recovery in particular. As we sleep, our bodies kick into gear producing healing properties within the body that help us recover from our wounds. The restorative mechanism of sleep helps antioxidant processes do their job and also bring healing to the necessary cells and areas in need of repair.
To get more sleep each night it is vital to practice positive sleep routines. This begins by turning off all electronics including the T.V. and cellphone, along with stopping any stimulating activities at least an hour or two before bedtime. Additionally, it is important to stop drinking any liquids before bed as to not disrupt sleep caused by a frequent need to urinate in the middle of the night. Lastly, your room should be dark and cool in order to experience optimal sleep.
Sleeping helps our bodies fight infections. To help keep infections at bay it’s important to get the right amount of sleep. Getting enough sleep each night will also expedite the wound healing process.
Although exercise seems counterintuitive to wound healing, so as not to further damage any bodily tissue, it is an important activity in wound repair and restoration. Exercise gets the blood pumping throughout the body which is critical for wound healing and allows your wound to eventually scab over and heal. It is however necessary to protect the site of the wound in order to avoid further pain, damage, or infection.
Exercising with a serious wound should always be done under the supervision of a medical professional. Contact your primary care physician to understand how you can exercise safely while in recovery.
Eat Healthy Food
Highly processed foods and foods brimming with excess sugar and carbs can hinder expedited wound recovery. Unhealthy foods cause inflammation which can further damage bodily tissues and extend wound healing times. Stick to healthy foods that are nutrient dense and filled with antioxidants. Antioxidants are powerful compounds found in our food that bring healing to cells and slow further deterioration. Antioxidants are found in foods such as mushrooms, berries, carrots, broccoli, and healthy oils. Stay away from junk food in order to quicker recovery time.
Follow Proper Wound Care Techniques
Wounds should always be cleaned in a sterile environment. Make sure that your hands are thoroughly washed before attempting to clean a wound. Ensure that the affected area is not exposed to the elements in order to avoid bacterial infections. Consult with a physician if you have a serious wound that needs to be cleaned. Do not delay in calling emergency services if your wound is severe and needs medical attention. A wound should be cleaned and sterilized in order to promote recovery otherwise you run the risk of infection of the wound which will prolong recovery.
Stay Hydrated
Drinking water is crucial during wound healing and recovery. Water is the vessel by which important healing nutrients are distributed to all parts of the body through our blood flow. By drinking enough water, you can literally send healing properties to the site of your wound. Wounds are thirsty and need help from ingested water to speed up healing. If you struggle with drinking enough water there are a few things you can do to combat this issue. The first is to try and flavor your water with fruits such as strawberries and lemon, or adding some mint for an extra pop of flavor. Purchasing an oversized portable water bottle with a fun design may also help you stay on top of drinking enough water.
Rapid Restoration
Although no wound heals overnight, following this simple roadmap to expedited wound recovery can help a great deal. As you cautiously maintain these restorative techniques you can repair damaged tissue and experience faster wound healing. Be sure to consult with a physician if you experience complications during wound healing.