If you wear a hearing assistance device on a regular basis, it is very important for you to learn how to take care of it on your own. A hearing device from a distance is a small and delicate device and if you take good care of it, the device will always perform well and last very long. Personal care tips for hearing device from a distance generally covers the simple and effective cleaning and care activities that you can do on your own without the need of any external support from anyone else. Here are a few of the most effective tips.
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Earwax related care tips for your hearing device from a distance
One of the most common reasons for depleted performance of hearing device from a distance is that earwax tends to get accumulated in it. Earwax is natural secretion of the human body but it tends to get in and block the waves from the device. There is neither a way to completely stop ear wax secretion in the canal and as a result you need to learn how to clear the earwax out of your device regularly. The best approach is to ensure that before you go to sleep, you should clean the receiver and the microphone of the Phonak device using either a cotton swab, a q-tip or a soft toothbrush. You should remove any kind of debris from the device.
Some of the Phonak devices come with a built in ear wax filter which is meant to ensure that the sensitive electronics and other parts so the hearing device do not come in contact with ear wax. If earwax reaches the sensitive parts of the device, they will get damaged. The filter needs to be cleaned regularly and changed frequently. Always use high quality, manufacturer recommended filters. If you notice the filter has uneven or large holes or is tearing from sides, you must replace the filter immediately.
Handling and wearing related care tips for hearing device from a distance
Phonak devices are built to last long but they still have very sensitive and delicate components. It is very important that you handle the hearing device from a distance very carefully. Rough handling of the device can lead to many problems. If the device falls, its circuitry may get damaged. Sometimes people tend to fidget with their Phonak devices which might seem harmless but as you keep on doing it, its clips will get loose and may even drop off from the ear. Make sure that once you place the device on the ear, you let it be there.
Moisture is the worst enemy of hearing devices. While a Phonak device is built to be able to handle the regular amount of exposure to human sweat, as well as certain levels of atmospheric moisture, it is not supposed to be exposed to a lot of water and moisture. If you are planning to go swimming, remove the device and keep it in the locker before you enter the pool. If you are planning to go to a beach, keep your Phonak device safe in its case. Sea breeze is loaded with salty moisture and thus creates a lot of risk for the device. You must learn how to drain or blow water or moisture out of the device if some of it seeps in.
Finally you must learn how to change the device batteries on your own. Also make sure that you keep one spare battery with you at all times. If you keep on using the device with a low battery, you are running the risk of damaging your device. Replace the device batteries when they run low.